
I'm feeling pretty down?

by  |  earlier

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I have PTSD at the age of 15, I am from a dysfunctional family, and life just seems to get me down, friends, girls, trust, adults, the law of this modern world, I wish I was in the days where life could be ruled by just one gun, or even by a sword, when things were fair, I was thinking of planning a career for the Military, but why, it's like being a pawn in some ****** up game it seems. You can be killed from the other side of the world, or even in your own home...where you sleep. You can be killed by yourself...disease, infection, etc. You can get killed and no one would know why, let alone know who you are/were. Life to me at this point seems unfulfilling, empty, my parents say I'm out of control with my randomness, my flipant attitude, my family is never trustworthy in my opinion, then again friends, the schools, the justice system, freedom, and right to life is robbed it would seem, all the good qualities of life taken out day by day, since the beginning of time it's almost as though we are taking ourselves to our deaths in the end, as history repeats itself, stories are untold. I sit around and play WoW all day, instead of enjoying nature, outdoors, and just the things I loved as a kid. I need some advice people, please




  1. I play wow too, yeah its a fun game but when i play the game i imagine myself staring at myself in the chair on the computer with no emotion, and i dont like what i see. I try to get out as much as possible, I love being with my friends but lately i have been losing friends since my life has been really sucky lately, I think that you should go on some walks for a bit and think, or go outside and lay down on the grass with your eyes closed letting the sun's warmth relax you, it gives you time to think

  2. to me you know what life is all about you have understanding despite your situation.everyone carries his own load i believe and life is as you described the tv tries to give you a different picture. some people seek and find and others have rough situations like the one you face or worse, but they encourage themselves they look back at there past accomplishments of any kind and peace of mind is but for a moment then someone comes an gives you bs.....and its a constant cycle

    whenever i get confused or discouraged or even stupid, i think happy thoughts idk i guess im weak minded are you, i think there is peace when you do this and practice it and i read the bible it helps

    because like you say life was easier in the ancient days like king arthur, or something back then but not the future, you got stupid people now. i say this because i been through the bs after bs

    and believe me it keeps on piling up if you dont find a solution

    the best advice i can give is to you

    "dont worry about just handle it" and the bs will cease

    if you worry about it it grows till theres no escape

    i hope you make it through

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