
I'm feeling reclusive, which is bad for me, it leads to...

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depression and suicidal ideation. When i'm feeling reclusive and i just want to sit by myself and read, it's bad because it leaves me alone with my thoughts and those thoughts usually turn suicidal. the last time i almost committed suicide in the bathroom stall in my school.

help with this!




  1. you really should try to force yourself to be more social if being alone leads to these feelings.  if you can, get a job, even something like a paper route or walking dogs or something.  look into maybe joining a gym, like your local Y.  exercise is great for your mood, and you'll meet other people with similar interests.  call someone and just go for a walk.  go to the mall and hang out.  just try to keep yourself occupied.  but you should definitely look into finding a therapist you can open up to about these feelings.  they can help you understand them and where they are coming from, and give you effective ways to cope with it.  thinking about suicide is a serious cry for help, and if you're really serious about getting better, find a professional to talk to.  good luck.

  2. just dont go someplace were your alone, even if you really want to dont, my sis, had problems with that your not hurting just your self your hurting your whole family even if it doesnt seem like it. try to get more active maby in a sport or something like that. also get a sycologists who you can talk to about your problems. I think the bigest mistake with my sis was that she was left alone.

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