
I'm feeling very nauseous right now,what do i do to help this go away? ?

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I don't know whats wrong,but i feel nauseous.

What should i do to prevent barfing?




  1. lean your head face up for a little bit. it hurts your neck a bit when you do but when you stop it goes away and so does your nauseousness too. unless your dehydrated in which you need to drink water...

  2. 7-Up.

  3. eat something that is sour like sour sweet  

  4. I usually find lying down helps.  Eating something can also help; I'd recommend ginger tea (ginger calms your digestive tract), 7-up or saltines.  Sometimes I find that the only thing that really helps is to go ahead and throw up.  It's gross, but it's generally over pretty quickly and usually I feel a lot better.

    If you've started feeling nauseous really suddenly and you can't think of a reason for it, or you've been nauseous for several days or vomiting to the point where you're having trouble keeping food or liquids down, you should go see a doctor.

  5. Okay so this is gonna sound like c**p but trust me, i just had stomach flu and it works like a charm. Go to the supermarket and buy fresh raw ginger. Take it home and peal off a part, with a vegie peeler then when you get to the inside cut a small piece and chew on it. It will taste horrible and will be hott and cold but it will help.

    ** Also eat plain crackers and drink 7up or sprite diluted in water. Dont drink it full or the soda will make you sicker. Dilute it, 1 part soda to 4 parts water.

  6. Believe or not, the best thing you can do is eat something.  I know, that's the last thing on your mind right now, but try eating crackers, saltines are the best.  Another thing is mint.  Mint always helps nausea.  Once the nausea goes away, eat something light like soups, Not tomato or anything acidic,  Nausea can be caused just by not eating.  I know, it happens to me.  So start with the crackers.  Hope you feel better.

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