
I'm fifteen and i was wondering if there were any jobs that i could find as a musician, preferably guitar?

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I'm fifteen and i was wondering if there were any jobs that i could find as a musician, preferably guitar?




  1. you could be the equivalent of a shoe shiner but for guitars!

  2. Probably not.  There's no money in music.

    Q-How do you get a guitar player off of your porch?

    A-Pay him for the pizza.

  3. At 15 NO COMPANY will hire you for a REAL JOB because It's AGAINST THE LAW to hire children for real jobs.

    If you hope to become a professional guitar picker, the you need to be spending all your spare time LEARNING how to REALLY PLAY the beast and join a garage band or get a group together to play in the park or nursing homes, etc.  The ONLY way to being a professional is PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE... and YOU NEED A TEACHER if you EVER hope to be really good at it.

  4. Well at your age, not really, unless you re crazy good and can work for a recording studio laying down tracks for others. Once you are grown, it is possible. Again, you'll have to be really proficient at your craft. You could join a band and play gigs in bars, clubs, festivals, etc. You will need to live in an area that supports alot of live music though, like a tourist area. Will you get rich? NO. Is it possible to squeeze out a meager living? Yes. Is it hard to live this life? oh h**l yes. Please Please get an education. Learn business, because if you pursue this, you will be in fact, "self employed" and will need to know everything there is to know about owning a business.

  5. Try to go to a music place that sell music stuff.

    Then ask around

  6. well there is of course starting a band which is unlikely .. BUT... there is a band called black tide and there all 15 or so and are getting v big and i ahve seen their t-shirts in hmv! so thats one option... or ask if you can help out n a music shop with guitars or a guitar shop... you may not get paid at your age ... but as long as tou know hot to fix and tune a guitar and all you could easily get a job there and when your slightly older you will get paid

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