
I'm first in line for the throne of the small principality of Drama, Is America a good place to find a queen?

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I'm first in line for the throne of the small principality of Drama, Is America a good place to find a queen?




  1. The Throne of a Principality means you would have the title of Prince and your wife would be Princess.

  2. Ordinarily, I'd say "Yes" and throw myself naked at your feet, screaming that I just broke a nail and the strap came off my Gucci purse and some horrible rude person cut in front of me at Starbuck's and life is just too, too TERRIBLE!!!

    But from the looks of your avatar, I'd say you've got the role of drama queen all sewed up.

  3. Yes!!!  Try California or New York - plenty of potential "drama queens" there!

    Failing that, there is always San Francisco!

    Actually any female PMS'ing would also be a suitable candidate!  Happy hunting for that "special lady"!

  4. The best place to search would be any of the towns along Denial River, of course.

  5. Sure is. Check California.

  6. There are fools all over the world and you can find a queen anywhere.

    Perhaps this should be in JOKES?

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