
I'm flying in to MEX, where should I stay if I want to see the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe?

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Also how can I get to the Basilica?




  1. I would stay at the Sheraton that is close to Bellas Artes, is very close from the basilica and very nice.

  2. the best place to stay is the international hostelling behind main cathedral, and there you can pay a day trip to the piramids (like 30 us), wich includes the basilica

  3. They dont steal that much anymore, but dont openly wear like a gazillion dollar dimond, dont take your wallet out compleatly, and if your really picky stick money in differnt places so that in the case that you do get jacked they dont get all of it, find a little magazine or tourist booth and they usually have maps.Or you could google it.

  4. The Basilica is on the subway. The stop is called "La Villa - Basillica" . Walk north two blocks along Calzada de Guadalupe. You do have to make one change from the line that goes to the airport.


    The subway is very inexpensive, but is only for the very street savvy tourist. If you are not extremely aware or you don't speak Spanish, I would suggest a taxi. Buy your ticket from the taxi booth, not directly from an individual. It's about 5-6 miles, and taxis are reasonable.


    Because so many millions of people come to pay their respects to the Virgin, there are several low priced hotels in the area. Once again, if you are not savvy, then go to the Zona Rosa or some other tourist destination where you will be safe.


    The Holiday Inn near the Zocalo is another alternative. Be conscious of pickpockets.

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