
I'm forced to choose between my friends for school can you help?

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for lunch this year, 2 of my friends are in one lunch, 3 are in another, and i am by myself. i am going to change it so i can be with my friends, but the trouble is i dont know which lunch to go to?! my 3 bff's are in the last one, but the other 2 can ALWAYS make me laugh and be happy. Which should I choose?




  1. follow your heart

  2. If I were you I would change but I would also would maybe see if I can keep my original lunch period. Who knows, it gives you a good chance to meet new people.  

  3. If ur not happy with ur bff then I dont think they're ur bff

  4. That's an awkward choice for you to make.

    School can be ridiculously no fun sometimes, so maybe it's best to be with the two who can make you laugh and happy.

    Good luck choosing.

  5. I'd go for the 2 that can make you laugh and be happy.

    But be careful because since all your Bff's are in the same lunch, they may become better friends with each other than you. Either way, there'll be less drama if you hang out with the other two =).

    If you really can't choose?

    Just tell the people who change schedules to please just change your lunch period to any other but the one you currently have. And let them choose than.

  6. Stay loyal to all your friends and keep your current schedule. You will meet many new people plus you establish great connections because your friends will also meet people.  

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