I was born in the uk but i went to a french speaking school ( i took the french back) and 70% of the time, i speak french at home, however i speak only english with my friends. Even though i have never lived in france, i like to think french is my native language/ mother tongue, yet ever since i have left school i feel my level has dipped dramatically, i often take more time to form more complicated sentences, i struggle to find the proper words. I have recently started reading again and find my vocabulary isn't as good as it used to be either. It was never great, but that's because i foolishly disliked reading as a child . How i regret not reading, i'm really paying for that mistake now. Then again i'm also convinced i'm going to lose my french, for no reason, so maybe subconsciously, i am forcing myself to forget french. I know it sounds that sounds dumb. But i can't help it. Has this happened/ Is this happening to you right now? How did you solve this problem? How can i maintain and improve my vocabulary? Thank you.