
I'm fourteen, and I need a job..?

by Guest34005  |  earlier

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I live in Long Island, NY and I really need a job. I want a laptop and since my parents won't get me I figured I'd make the money myself. You can't really work a lot of places, and there aren't that many kids around who need to be babysat so.. Any ideas?




  1. Rita's and ice cream places usually hire young

  2. a job at a camp maybe as a counselor or even if it's just to watch the kids, but first ask before signing up for the job cuz they may not pay you maybe it'll just be a community service thing. Just walk into a place that says: NOW HIRING or: HELP WANTED or something and ask if your old enough for that job. Plus ask how much it pays. I live in Canada, but my cousin works at a place called Tiny Tom Donuts and it might be diff from where I live cuz you live in NY but they hired him at 14. These are just a few suggestions plz don't give me a thumbs down cuz it wouldn't hurt to try.

    hope i helped!!! good luck !!!!!

  3. why don't you do chores around the house and ask your parents for an allowance?

  4. It's usually tough to find a job when you're 14. I did a search and saw that McDonald's and Burger King sometimes hire 14 year olds, but I'd say it's still unlikely. You'll have to get working papers through your school either way. Try grocery stores, they may need baggers. Smaller businesses are probably also most likely to hire a 14 year old than a big company. There are so many rules, regulations, etc. at chain restaurants and places like that, so it's harder because a lot of places don't want to take the risk of hiring a 14 year old because they feel you'll be a liability. I don't know about paper routes out there, but that's typically a job for people your age, though I don't know how desirable a job it is. Just make sure that you always present yourself as mature and respectful. Good luck.  

  5. Mow Grasses, Work for your Parents, Deliver Papers.

  6. first of all dont give out where you live thats not smart

    second you have to be 16 to legally work in the u.s

  7. If you have a computer at home with internet access, then you can look online and look into starting your own internet business! You never have to deal with real bosses, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home and make lots of money! This is something you can do for the rest of your life and live a happy and stress free life! Just google it and you may find the right system to start your own internet business! I wish you the best of luck!!! :)

  8. You are too young for a job, it's illegal to hire under aged ppl even if they are 17 they might need a permission from parents or guardian, when i was your age i wanted a job, but i was to young to get hired

  9. When I was fourteen, I worked for my father's company. So, if you know anyone (a family member, or parent of a friend, perhaps) who owns a small (or even large) company, simply ask if there is anything that you could do to earn a few bucks (this works better when done over the summer). Or, another option is to work at Taco Bell or other fast food restaurants who offer jobs to minors. However, most of these types of jobs will be in the back washing dishes or taking out the trash.  

  10. Wall's Wharf  in bayville hires at fourteen

  11. There aren't really that many jobs that are offered to kids under sixteen, I would know...I'm having trouble finding one, and I'm older than that. Advenutureland- not sure if you live near there or not, but it's near SUNY Farmingdale- they hire before the age of sixteen. Check your local library too, maybe they have something open or at least some other ideas for you. I know you said there aren't that many kids that need to be babysat, but you should try looking around friends, or have some people you babysit for recommend you to other people. I chose to be a counselor at my school's summer camp program, so that's how I got a job before I turned sixteen...just keep looking, you'll find some way to get the money.

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