
I'm fourteen, but very very serious about moving to New Zealand. What should I do? (I have a general idea...)

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Hello! I'm fourteen and American, but I am very very serious about moving to New Zealand. Currently I attend public school, but upon gathering information about immigrating to New Zealand, I've learned that you need to acquire a sort of work license and things of that sort?

I plan on either being a psychologist or English teacher.

It was recommended that one would begin looking into work licences now, but also--what about applying to New Zealand colleges. Would that work just as easily as applying to American colleges, and would there be any additional steps and such?

Keep in mind, I am very serious about moving there. I have a few alternatives, but mainly, I have no intentions of living in America.

Also--what would happen if I didn't get enough "points" or however, to get a work license? Could I re-apply? What would boost my chances?

*I have no family in New Zealand, that I know of.

I greatly appreciate any comments and advice, of course.

Thank you.




  1. For a 14 year old I am impressed on your writing!  

    ok, you don't say when you would like to come to NZ. As a 14 year old, obvisouly you can't live, work and go to school on your own without family being in NZ.  ... so what about coming to NZ as an International Student?

    See 'Information for international students who are planning to study in New Zealand' and

    A few other good websites are::

    New Zealand Immigration -

    About Working in NZ -

    New Zealand Immigration Assessment Forms:

    Immigration Assessment form for Individuals

    New Zealand Immigration Self Assessment Systems

    Self Assessment system - Individual's Version

    Another great guide on everyday life in NZ and how to move there is it explains things in plain English, applying for visas, working or as an international student etc….

    Good Luck with it all.

  2. I am from NZ. Can I ask why you want to come to NZ? I have met people who come over on an exchange during university and have decided not to leave, I just find it very funny. I think the AFS or EF exchange idea is very good, but you will have to wait till your third or fourth year of high school to do that.

    Don't listen to the girl below me, unless you want to do medicine or law the universities are easy to get into.

  3. come live in aucland. its the best.

  4. Hey. I'm fourteen too and I live in NZ. I don't really know much about moving here but I know that there's these things like student exchange programs. So you can come and live over here for a year with a New Zealand family and go to school. That way you can find out if you really want to live here(which you probably do) and in more detail where abouts in the Nth Island you want to live. Also that way when you come back here when you're older you'll have friends that can help you get settled.

    I'm not sure if you can get into the Universities here because to get in you need to do some NCEA subjects but you probably can. Just go to google and type in New Zealand universities and different one will come up like Otago or Massey for example. They will probably have a page about international students wanting to apply and you can read what to do there. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure you can get into the Universities here because other international students already do!

    Good luck. I really hope your dream comes true. =)

  5. Oh cool, good for you! Well like others have suggested i think you should come on an exchange to New Zealand! That would give you a taste of what it is like to live here first. I think you can come here for University, but not really sure about all the details and what you need etc.

    Otherwise maybe ask your family if you can afford it to come here on a holiday? Are they happy you come here to NZ?

    Also it might be hard to live in the country and go to Uni as they are all in the cities. Auckland is the biggest city here with lots of traffic. I live in the South Island in Christchurch and like it much better as it is not as busy. Wellington is not as busy as Auckland, but different again from Christchurch. It is quite windy in Wellington!

    Sorry i'm not too much help but good luck anyway!

  6. Hello from New Zealand! :)

    Yes, to come to New Zealand you can come on a holiday for 3 months, or apply for a working visa allowing you to work here, but you need a job that you will be working in full time ebfore they allow you to apply for a working visa. They will need to talk to your employers also.

    New Zealand has an international exchange for students wishing to come and stdy at and NZ university.

    When contacting NZ make sure you state cleary why you want to live over here, and anything that you think would make them more interested in allowing you over here. :)

  7. first of all, when you are so young by moving to a new country that you know nothing about is putting your life at risk.

  8. Colleges (Universities) aren't like the USA ones, we don't have a Harvard or Princeton - a "better" or more prestigious one to go to.  I agree with the guy further up, they're not hard to get into with what you are looking at studying.  I'm wondering why you want to come here?  Maybe you just want to holiday here?  Are you attracted here because of lord of the rings or something?  There are lots of rural areas to live in here but bear in mind the jobs are all in the cities, travelling from the country to the city to go to work each day isn't going to be an option.  But you could live near a forest on the outskirts of a city (you'd have alot of traffic hassles in Auckland though).

  9. Try an exchage! They are are great way to get to know the country, and will also look great when applying to live here full time. There are heaps of different types. If your school doesnt offer one, try doing one through AFS-just goggle them and you should be very easily able to apply.

  10. Hello from New Zealand!

    Just do a general Yahoo web search. That should do the trick =]

    Also, Colleges are called Universities over here, and depending on what you want to do can be very hard to get in to.

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