
I'm freaking out! (Easy ten points)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well, two days ago, my boyfriend and I went into sexual foreplay and were very into it. I guess we got carried away, so he said he wanted to do anal. Thing is, when he was adjusting his p***s he accidentally touched the outside of my v****a a little bit. I don't know if this matters, but I gave him a hand job and he came then. But we waited maybe 15 minutes after that. He had a lot of lube, I don't know if that kills it or something. I'm just scared he had pre-ejaculate. We had no intercourse. My period should be any day. Maybe I'm not getting it from stress?

Is there a chance of pregnancy?




  1. have received several comments on my article, Early Signs of Pregnancy, from readers wondering what they should do if they think they may be pregnant.  I thought I would write a quick article with some suggestions to help other readers who may be wondering the same thing.

    There are really only a couple of things you can to do determine if you really are pregnant.  

    You can opt to take a home pregnancy test.  These can be purchased from any pharmacy or grocery store.  There are many options on the market so be sure to read the labels and pick one that suits you preferences and needs.  Home pregnancy tests have fairly high accuracy rates when used correctly and used at the proper time.  False positives are very rare.  


    You can visit your doctor for a doctor administered urine pregnancy test (similar to home pregnancy tests) or a blood test.  Many women feel more comfortable hearing the results directly from their doctor, especially if you are unsure about performing the home test properly.  If you don’t have a regular doctor or lack health insurance you can also go to a clinic to have these doctor administered tests.

    There are many early signs of pregnancy from sore and swollen b*****s, cramping, exhaustion, morning sickness, and lack of or late period.  All of these symptoms can also be signs of other things that may be going on, which makes it important to find out for sure.  Any time you have unprotected s*x (and even protected s*x since no birth control is 100% accurate) there is a chance of getting pregnant.  If you suspect that you may be pregnant the best thing is to take a pregnancy test.

    If you have questions or concerns about your early pregnancy symptoms, or about how to get and administer a pregnancy test you should contact your doctor

    this is all from the website below

  2. It's highly unlikely you would get pregnant from this, and by highly unlikely, I mean HIGHLY UNLIKELY.

  3. i think there is more of a chance of infection, honestly. after anal, it is best not to come in contact with the v****a because of all the bacteria that is present in the a**s. as far as the pregnancy thing, there is a very small chance, but it is not entirely impossible. lube does not kill sperm unless it is spernicidal. hope that helps

  4. I agree it would be unlikely that you are pregnant but it's not impossible.  Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm and they are migratory little b******s when searching for an egg.  All it takes is ONE!  If it was just a few days before your period, you probably weren't ovulating which will reduce the chance.

    I do however have issues with young girls having anal s*x to prevent pregnancy and still call themselves a virgin.  First, I don't think that's very "virginal" behavior and would not consider a girl who is having anal s*x a virgin.  Second, it's a filthy place to be.  That is poo he's dipping in and it is loaded with bacteria.  It may prevent pregnancy but it doesn't prevent std's and if you're going to do it, you should use condoms every time for a variety of reasons.  Also, the p***s should not be put anywhere else after anal s*x until it is thoroughly washed.  And, lube doesn't kill sperm or bacteria.

    I think you are stressing, which can delay your period.  I doubt you are pregnant but you should really be more careful in the future and use condoms EVERY time.  You should also think about continuing to have anal s*x.  Are you doing it because YOU want to or HE does?  If he truly cares for you, he will take your feelings into consideration.  If you do it because you enjoy it then at least be safe about it.

    I think guys who get young girls to have anal s*x are selfish and manipulative and it is a degrading act for young girls to be participating in.  It can also have life long effects physically.  I think guys who talk girls into this are using them for their own gratification.  

    Be true to yourself first and protect yourself---more often than not, you will be the only one who does.

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