
I'm from Australia, and am wanting to go visit Wellington, New Zealand. What's it like?

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In terms of people, lifestyle, weather, etc.




  1. I was lucky to have been in Wellington for three days when the weather was totally gorgeous. I've heard it's usually really windy. The harbour is absolutely wonderful.... driving down towards the harbour after coming through the city was breathtaking. Driving through Wellington was a bit difficult..... it was the only place in all of New Zealand where I got lost. Lots of one way streets and no where to park (this is around the city center area). If you're looking for a holiday park, there are hardly any compared to the rest of the country... I finally found one in Hutt, and the backpackers are expensive there. But yeah, I would recommend the Te Papa museum... I'm not usually a museum person but I spent hours wandering through there. If you wanted to hop aboard the ferry to Picton I would definately recommend it. Going through the Marlborough sound is something no visitor to Kiwi-land should miss!

  2. Recently we did a tour of New Zealand starting at Christchurch and finishing at Auckland from the south island from Picton a nice little place were you catch the ferry to Wellington about half way over it started raining I have never seen rain as heavy as that we were in Wellington for two days we intend to go back some day to see what it is really like seemed nice from what we could see though have fun oh yes can be a bit windy also

  3. Wellington is located in the centre of New Zealand at the southern end of the North Island. The capital city is surrounded by Wellington harbour and bush clad hills.

    "Perhaps the city's vibe was best summed up by one visitor who quite bluntly told some locals: 'This place is heaps better than I expected'. The locals just grinned - they know Wellington is aglow with an absolutely positive buzz."

    You can

  4. I'm from Las Vegas.  Not having been to either Australia or New Zealand I'm rather ignorant about such things.  But since you're so close (on my map its less than an inch), I'd say its basically the same.  It's kinda like me wondering what Arizona is like.

  5. Hello, Wellington is a great city and has more taste then Auckland which is overpopulated and polluted. We have Te Papa the national museum which is over 4 storys tall and boasts two modern rides. We have a man made beach in the centre of town and great botiques! The locals are generally helpful but the weather can be windy and rainy ... The lifestyle is laid back.

    Best regards

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