
I'm from Europe, if you had to choose to work and travel in north dakota or ocean city which would you choose?

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I'm from Europe, if you had to choose to work and travel in north dakota or ocean city which would you choose?




  1. I assume you are talking about Ocean City, Maryland?!?! I would go here before N. Dakota.North Dakota is pretty, but you will have an easier time seeing stuff if you are in Ocean city...The whole east coast is @ your fingertips from Maryland. New York, Washington D.C., Appalachian Mts., Boston, The ocean, cities, all of it.... From N. Dakota, not so much.Mt. Rushmore is nice.

  2. North Dakota has a very small population relative to the land size...why?  Because no one wants to be there!  There's really no choice here, ocean city, obviously!

  3. Hi, definitely Dakota! I have two friends there. They are also from Europe - Germany. They are very satisfied there. However, you have to do lots of papers to work. But the city is really amazing. One of my friends is a student and the other is working as a teacher. He teaches english. I mean he teaches Korean students.

  4. OCEAN CITY.....

  5. I would choose ocean city. Its the beach and its not too far from major cities on the east coast like DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia.

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