
I'm from the US, and i have some questions about australia. :]?

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so i've always wondered...

in australia, obviously our seasons are opposite. So when it's winter here, it's summer there... Do you call them the opposite too? like when it's the hottest down there, like the june, july, and august months, do you call it summer or winter? And when it's like the january and february months, is it winter or summer?

And when you have school vacation, what months are your break in?

And how warm or cold does it get down there?

thanks guys, just curious.




  1. We call summer summer and winter winter. Same as you, we just have them at different times of the year. Summer is hot and winter is not.

  2. yeh, when it's winter there its summer here. the complete opposite. when its hottest down here its summer, which is aprox december-feb. its winter in the june/july period. for school, we have 4 terms in a year, a 2 week holiday in between each one except for the winter break which is 3 weeks. then we obviously have summer break which is jan-feb. the warmest in victoria (where i live) can get up to 40 degrees and the coldest would be (in geelong) 0 degrees. but no lower or else it would snow! which would be quite cool actually. but up in the mountains it snows in winter.

  3. summer is summer n winter is winter

    just that summer is DEC, JAN, FEB

                  aurtum is MAR, APR, MAY

                  Winter is JUN, JUL, AUG

                  spring is SEP, OCT, NOV

    some parts get sub zero temps and others get above 45 degrees in summer months depends one regin and distance to sea and thiongs like that as to average tep

  4. Everywhere in the world winter=cold, summer = hot.

    The weather varies as we are a big country, down South a hot day is 18 degrees and they don't often get them, up North a cold day is 18 degrees and they don't often get them.

    Our school/uni breaks are over Christmas, for uni we have a three month break. And it is hot/summer, like you said, different hemisphere, opposite seasons.

  5. The main noticable difference with the seasons are what you call Fall we call Autumn.

    Our seasons are: Summer (hottest months) Dec 1 - Feb 28/29, Autumn March 1 - 31 May, Winter (coldest months) 1 June - 31 August and Spring 1 Sept - 30 Nov.

    We don't have a big vacation break like in the US, our holidays are roughly, 2 weeks over Easter, 2 weeks in July, 2 weeks in October, and 6 weeks starting at Xmas. So we too get a decent break over summer.

    Our schooling is divided into 2 semesters and then into 2 terms each semester. Our school year starts semester 1 term 1 - approx 28-30th of January.

    The temperatures in Australia vary, the northern states are warm - hot all year round, 30C is a common temperature. The other states experience mid 20s - early 30s in summer and late teens - mid 20s in winter. Though the rare heat wave or cold streak does occur.

    The only place you will find snow in Australia are at designed ski resorts up the top of our highest mountains. There is Thredbo and Perisher blue in NSW near Canberra and Mt Buller and Mt Hotham in Victoria.

    Australia in general does not experience extremes in weather, the cities do not snow and we only experience minor cyclones off the northern coastlines. The Northern Territory and North Queensland experience tropical weather over the summer months bringing rain and the forementioned cyclones.

    The main differences in weather between WA, SA, VIC and NSW are that VIC tends to experience very unpredictable weather, sometimes experiencing what feels like all four seasons in one day. Tasmania experience the same weather though a few degrees cooler.

    Hope I have helped, if you have any more questions feel free to email me via the link on my profile. =)

  6. No, we have it right, it is you who has it wrong. You should call your June/July/August "winter" because that's what we call it here.

    You need to get an education.

  7. When it is you rwinter it is a our summer.

    Warm or cold:  depends on time of year  it gets very hot and it gets very cold depending on where yo live.

  8. Go to . This is Australia's government weather website. It has heaps of info & links & interesting facts.

  9. welll..

    summer- december, january, february.

    autumn- march, april, may

    winter- june, july, august

    spring- september october november.

    hottest months are in summer.

    coldest in winter.

    we have a 6 week school break from mid december til the end of january.

    and 3 two week breaks at the end of each term (term is about 10 weeks of school then a two week break)

    we have 4 terms altogether and at the end of the fourth term and before the 1st is when our 6 week break is.

    in winter it gets to maybe 10degrees celsius at the lowest and could range to around 20 degrees celsius.

    in summer could gt up to 40+ degrees celsius if its really hot but usually in the high 20's and the 30's degrees celsius.

    hope this helps.

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