
I'm g*y and I luv my friend, is it wrong if I go into...

by  |  earlier

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the swimming pool when he's swimming and I embrace him, also I'd like to lay my head on his chest!!...

I'm not sure if he's g*y or not. If I do that, will he get angry about what I do?

Thanks and greetings from NJ, U.S.A.




  1. i would definately not make a move until you know if he is g*y or not. even then i'd be a little hesitant whether to make a move or not. you don't want to ruin the friendship!

    and it's get into the swimming pool!

    haha. :)

  2. If you are not certain of your friends sexual orientation, your proposed action could be a little starling for him.  It may be better to talk to him about you being a homosexual first and see how he responds before you hug him in the pool or put your head on his chest.  If he is straight, these actions could be unsettling for him and put tension in your relationship.

  3. get into a swimming pool :]

    and i wouldnt do anything until you know hes g*y

  4. Great way to ruin a friendship.  

  5. I wouldn't make a move because if he's straight, then it'll probably ruin the relationship. If he is your friend, depending on how long you've known him, you should know whether or not he is g*y.

    And it's "Get into a swimming pool"


    xox- Julie

  6. For your second question it's Get into a swimming pool. Go into the swimming pool sounds weird, like it's wrong.

  7. Ask an other guy friend to come on to him and see what he does. Then you have your g*y or not anwser. And if he is then go for it.

  8. You should probably talk to him first, cause he might get quite uncomfortable with your advances.

  9. Yeah, uhm, he'll probably be pissed.  

  10. If he isnt g*y .. big mistake

  11. hmm,, if he knows ur g*y and yoo do it he may not be as much effected as if he didnt know

    also thats doesnt sound like a good way of starting a relationship like that ,, it would probable be best to talk things through with him

    but yoo could probably work out if he is g*y or not by see'ing if he would date one of ur friends ( a girl ) and seeing his opion to that,, that way your not being to obvious about it.

    if he doesnt want to and admits being g*y aswell,, great ! suggest to go to the pub or a resturant even one night, if he does and has a great time then thats his choice and what he wants to do.

    oh nd its get into a swimming pool

    i wish yoo luck x

  12. If he is your friend you should know if he is g*y or not.

    There is nothing worse for a straight person than a g*y person making advances because the straight person finds it extremely difficult to relate to a man fancying a man.

    Doesn't sound right or normal to him.

    To the straight person men are supposed to fancy women in a normal world.

  13. Well, it all depends if he is g*y or not! He may get a little freaked out and drop you as a friend, but then again he may be secretly in love with you! You never know until you try.

    Good luck!

    (Get into a swimming pool.....)


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