
I'm g*y but not sure if HE is. I really like him.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i'm changing some of the names for my "safety" lol

My name is James. I'm going to start my Freshman year in High School. And there's this guy named Jack. He's going to the 8th grade now. And ever since I 1st saw him I literally fell in love with him. His eyes, his face, his body, everything. But I'm not sure if hes g*y. He wears quite a lot of brand outfits. And he plays A LOT of soccer. But I still have no idea if hes g*y or no. And I'd really like to find our and maybe try something. Most people say I'm an attractive guy so I don't think there would be a problem in that but do you guys think the whole Gaydar thing works? Where I can just look in his eyes and if he smiles and doesn't look away than he's g*y too? or is that all a load of bs.

Post your thoughts please :]




  1. Ask him. There's no other way to know if he's g*y or not other than to ask him. However, just realize that at that age, he's probably not sure yet, and if he is sure of himself, he many not be ready to be open about it yet (just like you seem you're not completely open about it either).

    I don't think the gaydar thing works. You can look at where someone looks and see where their interests lie, but if you try to force what they don't want out in the open out of them, then you're going to make them shell up and pull away.

    I've never heard about looking into his eyes and seeing if they smile. I look my real-life friends in the eye and smile at them all the time, and they do the same to me. That doesn't mean they're g*y, because last I checked, they weren't.

  2. What happened to your other boyfriend? You mentioned wanting to attend a g*y bar for the first time with your boyfriend in your previous question.

  3. if you dont want to ask him, have a friend try and find out, a friend who's a girl, so that he doesn't think your friend is trying ot ask him out.

  4. just ask..good luck!

  5. i say just ask him. or tell him ur g*y and see what he says.

    best of luck.

  6. There's no such thing as gaydar. The only way you can find out if he's g*y/bi or not is to just ask him. Good luck.


  7. I think that is a load of BS.. especially in middle school/high school, g*y guys and L*****n girls will try to be 'normal' to avoid getting made fun of or harassed - and 'are you g*y?' might come off as an insult or picking a fight. Best bet... find someone you're SURE is g*y. If he's not a good person - you might find yourself in a bad spot.



  8. Just go up to him and ask.  However, you are entering high school, and chances are that there will be plenty of options for you to find, because highg school is a lot more diverse than middle school.  I know what you mean about liking someone who is not for sure g*y/straight/bi, etc., but i just finally blurted out to him and asked if he was g*y and luckily he was.  Trust me being honest gets you a long was.  By the way there is no gaydar.

  9. does he know you're g*y?

    if not, simply go up to him and ask if he is g*y. then if he asks why, just say a couple of your friends were wondering

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