
I'm g*y i wanna tell my parents but...?

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if i tell my parents im moat likey get kicked out and all this. Id have no where to go. nothing... i need advice for that and then if i do decide to tell them.. how do i do that. i cant worth c**p. i really need help.




  1. only tell them once your out of college and can stand on your own two feet financially

  2. Yea just use them until you can get out on your own.

    That's just as immoral as being g*y.

    Tell them you have a problem, they love you. Ask them to seek counseling with you.

    Go to church.

    You are confused and need help. They will help you.

    What is happening to this world.

  3. You have to have a place to live.  There's no way around that.

    Often one parent is more sympathetic than the other.  You can try telling the sympathetic one a watered-down version of the truth and see the reaction.  (No, I don't like the deception, but I would hate homelessness even more.)

    If you aren't certain which parent, ask them if they've worked with an out-of-closet g*y.  You'll have a better gauge as to which parent would be less likely to explode.

  4. People will tell you to wait until you can support yourself, for me that was much to long so I just told them.  My parents weren't jumping for joy, but they got over it.  

    If you really want to tell them, or can't hold it in any longer, talk with friends, friendly aunts or uncles, or an older cousin who'd be willing to take you in.  Try checking your area for centers or g*y alliances that can either help you or point you in the right direction.

    I hope everything goes well, and I'm sorry your parents might throw you out.  Try and have as many back up plans as possible though, just in case, if you tell your parents.


  5. dont tell them until you can financially support yourself. and by financially support yourself, i mean be able to afford you own rent, buy your own food, clothes, and any other basic necesities. and make sure your out of college already.

  6. I went through the same thing. It was hard because my parents are NOT g*y friendly. But it knew it had to be done. Either that or keep "closeting" my true self from them. I always prepare for the worse-it keeps me on my toes. If it goes like that well then great because thats what i expected. But plan ahead--find a place to stay. Its probally time for you to get out anyway.

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