
I'm gettin my tooth pulled out tommorw? how to make it more looser?

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I'm getting my tooth pulled out but the last time it happened i fainted and it hurt so bad.

Is there any thing i can do to get out before it happens or make it looser before the time coz im so scared. HELPPPP !!!


p.s no silly ways lyk put a string round my tooth and pu the other end to the door...blablabla lol




  1. crusty bread it worked for me    =}

  2. If you try anything like that yourself you could end up in more pain due to infection that what you will by going to the dentist. Just tell the dentist about your fears and im sure he/she will put your mind at rest.

  3. If it is one of your baby-teeth, try simply wobbling it about with your probably isn't held on by much.

    I don't understand why having your tooth pulled out hurt....don't dentists in your neck of the woods use anaesthetic injections?

    I've had loads of teeth removed and none of them hurt at all.

    I've always had fillings without injections, though, because I'd rather do that than have a needle pushed into my gum.  The pain from the drilling is only momentary and it is soon over.

    Good luck. Be will soon all be in the past.

  4. if ur mouth is being froze,, and if ur going to be on happy gas like i was,, u dont feel a thing :D so no need to make it looser, if ur not ask to bee.

  5. Find a twenty five stone bloke and call him a d**k head. He will loosen it for you.

  6. Just start wiggling it a lot.

  7. Leave it alone. If you start fooling with it , it will be sore tomorrow when they go to pull it and it will hurt worse.

    Tell them to give you extra Novocaine. Or ask for Sodium Pentathol and get knocked out.

  8. If its that well placed, perhaps you should be wondering why your having it taken out? Have it filled or caped!

    Dentists are not your friend! They are there to make money, like anyone else there's good and bad dentists!

    A good crown could last 20 years if you take care of it!

  9. Just let the dentist do their job, or take some ibuprofen for pain (tylenol, advil, etc.) don't be afraid go with a positive attitude and everything will come out just fine, nothing is worse than having a baby if you haven't had one yet. it is part of life, it is up to you and the doctors to make it easy on us. So it is how you look at it. Good Luck!!!  If you are that afraid then things will go negative be strong and don't be afraid.

  10. Well my dds give me shots I had to have 3 pulled in a day and the only thing that bothered me was a cracks of the root. But I would get a dry wash cloth or your  fingers and just start wiggling it

                                         Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!

  11. eat loads of toffee? :)

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