
I'm getting a Ds lite for my b'day but don't know what colour to get please help me please do!?

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I want a ds and also I'm getting Animal Crossing what other games shud i get remember i'm only 9 so get some appoprite games for me




  1. Well don't get black cuz you can see the fingerprints everywhere,

    i have a pink one even tho i barely touch it anymore...

    but pink was a good choice for me....

    i don't really know if your a boy or girl but im guessing a girl so i would go with pink.

  2. You should get the one that suits you. White: cheerful and plays a bit of happy games, Black plays dark games. Pink: get it if you like pink, Red: if you like mario and racing games, green if you like green and wilderness, and blue if you like the ocean and water. But you don't have to do it like that. Like my favourite colour for a DS would be black and I'm not really a fan of dark games. So either you should get one that is or closest to your Favourite colour. Or get one that suits your personality.

  3. Any Mario game would be great they are all really fun. Any of the Petz games are fun and you can get whatever kind of pet you like from cats to dolphins. I don't know if you are into Pokemon, both the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games are awesome! Cooking Mama 1 and 2 are really fun!  Since I don't know if you are a girl or boy its really hard to recommend much else.

    Also, the red and black one is pretty cool looking! I personally have the pink one.

  4. Definitely get a white one. And you can get Cooking Mama or Mario games or Zoo Tycoon. You have to get nintendogs. That's the best game out there.  

  5. Maybe you should get a white or light pink one. My friend once got a really bright color and got bored of the color in about a month. I have a light pink one and I am perfectly happy.

  6. Wait until October and buy the new PSP 3000, trust me, the DS is puny in comparison. And I'll let you in on a well known secret-if you modify your psp, you can download an emulator and then the ROM (game) and you can actually play that DS game on the PSP!!!!! You'll regret buying the DS if you do.

  7. I say black is always a good color from my experience i own a ds and black wont show scratches

  8. Get a Red ds lite, mario games are fun. Are you a girl or boy? I'll just list some games for girls and boys. Nintendogz, cooking mama, Super Mario Brothers, and Burnout Racing. Hope this helps.

  9. If you worry about how clean yours looks then get a Black so it will really only show smudges.

    Also get games your interested in. If you like solving riddles and puzzles Professor Layton is a MUST HAVE!!!

  10. harvest moon games, petz games and i would choose blue ds if u a boy or a tomboy and pink for a girly girl or a normal girl or a really weird boy... ninted dogs or mario are good

    and i heard red and green ds's came out so that would be cool

  11. cant go wrong with black and try getting mario or the imagine pets or the zoo tycoon

  12. Here are some video games for a Nintendo DS that look pretty neat:

    (below) This is about a girl in the 70's (you can pick outfits for her and play all sorts of games).

    (below) If you like mysteries, you should get this one about a girl working on a case.

    (below)  If you like horses this is a great one.

    Love animals? Get this one below.

    I hope I can help! Have fun!!!!!!

  13. Get a new colour like maybe the new red one. That one looks absolutely amzing, so bright. Or maybe the green lime one.


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