
I'm getting a Guinea Pig? Help?

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how is guinea pig behavior like? affectionate? and why do they always sqeak when you hold them? do they react well to cats? I tested one out with my pet cat and she didn't seem to mind, just sniffing and walked away. how diff are guinea pigs and hamsters? srry for all the questions, plz and thx!




  1. i love guinea pigs.mine are affectionate and reconize you when you come in the room.They squeak when they are excited or happy.When they are really happy, they make a low purring sound.I think they would be fine around cats as long as the cats dont hurt it. Guinea pigs are different from hamsters because they are not nocturnle, eat alot ( mine loves carrots) and they need more care then a hamster. Once they are tame they enjoy sitting in you lap and walking around on the floor. I recommend you get two because they are very social animals and its fun to watch them play together. They need at least 30 minutes of out of cage time a day. You should get them the biggest cage possible because they need room to run. You should also give them some alfalfa hay that you can buy at walmart or any pet store. Dont use Cedar bedding because its not good for them to breath in. Pine is better. Good luck with your guinea pig!

  2. Get a Ferret!!!

  3. They will be really scared the first few days and then there really nice and calm. they are very affectionate. they are trying to talk to you. no they dont like cats really because they are the prey not the predotor. mabye if you got them to get to know each other.  guinea pigs are bigger and have a longer life span than hamster. and they're cuter =)  i reccomend these sites....

  4. and can answer all of your questions. can tell you about hamsters.

    Guinea pigs can easily become harder to take care of than a dog. I spend close to five hours cleaning the piggy room and it looks like I didn't go near it while my dogs eat once a day and then lay around and sleep. They are either old and dont like exercise or they are just too big(160lb great dane).  

  5. havving a guinea pig is like having a baby,,,,,tthey scream a lot

  6. read this link, it will answer most of your questions

    they are awake in day, hamsters are awake at night

    NEVER get them from a pet store.. always check your local shelter first, or look for a breeder - you will get a much friendlier pet than those in pet stores..

    plus pet stores support the cruel industry of mass breeding of pets for profit only (in warehouses where they are not handled) - so dont support this... (they deny it of course)

  7. guinea pigs require more attention than they say...they clean their cage EVERY day that means they push out anything they wet or p**p on...they are VERY messy.You have to clean their p**p out every day,they can not abide by a messy abode...they will push it,scratch it get it out by every means possible and it will be all over your floor.

    The bigger cage you put them in,,,the larger they will grow...more room bigger guinea pig...we hold ours but it doesnt seem to be very affectionate...

  8. I love my guinea pig, Monster. It is like having a tiny dog. They won't always squeak when picked up, just until they get used to being handled. If your cat shows little/no interest in the pig they should be fine as long as you keep a close eye on them when the pig is out and never leave them alone when both are able to interact.

    Mine is fairly affectionate, much more so when I have treats though.

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