
I'm getting a brazilian wax on tuesday, what should i expect?

by  |  earlier

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This is my first time getting any type of wax, so I'm a little nervous. I'm not so worried about the pain, but more of the awkwardness. Is it really embarassing having somebody see and wax your genital region? What should I do to make myself not feel so self concious? Do they at least cover parts that they arent waxing at the moment or is all of you completely uncovered the whole time? How long does it take? Also, how long of hair am I supposed to have down there? I know I read you need to have long enough hair for them to be able to wax. How long is long enough? Are the results worth it? Thanks!




  1. expect pain and humiliation

    they have you wear a paper thong that hides pretty much nothing

    and make you spread your legs like a p**n star

  2. expect it to hurt and burn for days after also expect to get huge lumps pimples of inverted hairs  lol, saw it on embarrassing diseases C4 last night, mmm hmm

  3. Pain.  Lot's and lot's of pain.  ( ^ _ ^ )  You might want to take some tylenol or motrin before you get this done.

  4. yes they are worth it

    do not worry they see lots of people's genital region during the day. your not the only one

    they tend to not cover anything and wax it really quickly

    it does hurt but well worth it as you have 4 weeks of no hair!

    good luck :)

  5. you should expect allot of pain ouch!!!!!

  6. Most salons do this all the time, so they will be very businesslike.  They know it's awkward and will try hard to put you at ease.  They will give you some disposable panties to wear, and move them from side to side as they work.  They will keep the areas they're not working on covered.  Don't worry about trimming ahead of time.  They will do that if needed.  Even if you already shave they can still wax you.  Take some tylenol ahead of time - like 800mg if you can.  It will help with the pain.  Don't worry, it goes away quick.  Afterwards they will rub in some moisturizer.  It feels a little weird to have a strange woman rubbing lotion into your private parts, but if you can get past that, it actually feels quite nice.  If you want to be smooth, then yes, it's worth it.  Nothing works as well or lasts as long.  Good luck.

  7. oh its fine... they have seen hundreds of private girl areas.  

  8. you will be in so much pain...

  9. Depends on what embarrasses you. I mean you are spread wide open, they have to get to all the hair..front to back..*** and all. There isn't much you can do to not feel self conscious. A stranger is messing around in your private parts, BUT, it's their job..they do this all the time and it's not a big deal to them, just look at it that way. Naked from the waist down the whole time.

    As for hair length..if you've just shaved it's not going to work as well..need some growth. Amount of time it takes varies but even then it's not a large amount..goes fairly quickly.  

  10. First, let me say, what is the reason women want a totally hairless bottom ? For me it was not worth it, I did it once when we were going to a beach resort and I will never do it again. It was not only painful but you are totally exposed in every way possible. The thought of a woman touching my most private parts was unnerving. All this to be hairless for 3/4 wks. No more, I`ll keep my pubic area trimmed short with scissors and wax my bikini area. Final comment, it made no difference to my s*x life, in fact my husband said he preferred a little pubic hair as opposed to a woman looking like a pre-puberty child.

  11. expect pain...

  12. hives bb

    do a skin test 1st

  13. you should expect a puffed g*y about 6 2 dark complection and speaks with a spanish accent. If your wored about pain get an african wax first.

  14. just do it and get it over with

    so many people get them, it must not be too incredibvly awkward  

  15. Ouch O.O

  16. To make it simple, just remember that you aren't the first they have seen nor the worst. They don't care unless you stink or something. I can't tell you what they will do since I know that they aren't all the same and don't have the same procedures. And the results are worth it in my opinion. But I will say this and it may sound gross. When you pass gas, it will never be silent if you have no hair down there, so you will have a hard time trying to conceal the sound. But as long as the hair is long enough to pull you are fine.

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