
I'm getting a bunny...?

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ok, so I am getting a bunny and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to care for him, what to feed him, and how to keep him happy?





  1. Don't give baby bunnies lettuce.  It seems like a natural thing to do and he will eat it, but I killed a baby bunny once that way. I didn't find out till too late it isn't good for them.  Very upsetting!

  2. Get him a very big play area, even if you have a small cage. let him out and play with him EVERY day!! or else he will bite you. go to your local pet store and buy "bunny food" with a mix of fruits and leaves. MAKE SURE HE/SHE HAS SOMETHING TO CHEW ON!!!  he needs something to whear his teeth down or they will become overgrown and huge!!  playing with him every day will make him love you.  Miley<3

  3. do you really think youll get all the answers here? reaserch on google!  this place is if you c ant find a specific thinG!

  4. I think you should buy a good sized pen for it to live in. Bunny's are hyper animals and they need a lot of space to run some of that energy off. so don't get a small pen for your rabbit. make sure you have some treats in there and mabye a toy or two to keep them busy. Make sure you don't buy the cheapest brand of feed because there not usually good for your rabbit.alfalfa is a good and healthy snack that most Bunny's enjoy.So mabye a bag of that would be best. If your still unsure on how to care for your rabbit you should go to the nearest petsmart or petco and buy a book  on rabbits.Ether that or ask a worker at one of those store to give you info on the life of rabbits. hope this helps and good luck with your bunny.

  5. I like to take my 4 bunnys outside for play time

  6. Go to pets mart they will teach you every thing you need to no.

  7. Go to the library and check out a book about bunnies, but feed them rabbit pellets and carrots, not too many though, and also timothy hay, give them a cage that is big enough and let them out to play about 2 -3 hours a day, make sure they have good litter to go to the bathroom in eventually he will learn, and then also make sure to trim their nails and make sure if it's hot there to make sure he will not get heat stroke, but really the best way to get all the info you need is to look in a book or on google websites, they give you lots of good ideas, for toys, food etc.

  8. google

  9. Congratulations on getting a bunny! They are so much fun and are so rewarding!

    Here are some links that will help you take care of your furry friend:

    Hope this helps and hope you and your bunny are happy!

  10. I'm a bunny breeder.  

    First, boy bunnies tend to make the friendliest pets - the girls are a bit moodier.  If you get a girl, definitely have her spayed and that will take some of the edge off of her.

    If you have a baby bunny then steer away from the vegetables and stay with pellets for awhile.  Baby bunnies have trouble processing all the sugars that are naturally present things like carrots.  Baby bunnies do well with pellets, quaker oats (not instant) and some parsley.  They love the oatmeal, give that as a treat in small amounts from your hand - so they learn to love your hand.

    Older buns can have things like broccoli, kale, carrots, dark leafy veggies, dandelions from the yard (flower too)

    Remember that bunnies are prey animals, so never chase yours so that you can pet it - you will have it so afraid of you that it won't accept the pets -

    They are curious, use that to your advantage.  Sit still and have something new and interesting in your lap and they'll come to check it out.

    Good toys are things like the center round card board insert from your paper towels.  The quaker oats round tube that they can crawl inside.  A shoe box is fun and they jump in and out.

  11. idk about caring for him and feeding since i havent had one but i think spending alot of time with him will make him happier especially if ur only gettin one since u (or whoever takes care of him) will then be his only companion

  12. hi, my bunny really enjoys cabbage, carrots, apples, corn, funny as it sounds mine like weet bix and toast. you can basically feed them any fruit and vegetable except lettuce which gives them diarea. and to keep them happy just spend time with it. good luck

  13. we got our bunny from the neighbors 6 years ago. he was abused and they couldn't keep him anymore. i was so excited  when we got him, but now he's fat and boring. some times my mom puts him on one of his little 'diets', even though she can't get on one herself. there isn't that much of  play value in rabbits. they don't cuddle or anything like that. a lot of them don't even like to be held.

    our bunny didn't like to go to the bathroom in his 200 dollar cage, so he started to go outside(his cage). so we put a litter box there and he's been using it every since. kitty litter can be harmful to your bunny if they eat it, but he doesn't eat it, so no problem. we clean his litter box out every night along with the cats. we rarely ever have to clean his cage out because he's so clean.

    but here is a site that will help with your bunny. go to petsmart and get some bunny books. they also have rabbit magazines, which re very helpful.

  14. All bunnies have weird personalities.

    The two I had were crazy cool.

    (one thought she was a dog the other was paranoid of being in the center of the room)

    Bunnies like veggies and fruits. Apples are good. So are bananas.

    Brush your bunny with a soft bristle brush, though they clean themselves that extra help will make them look fantastic.

    Their teeth need to be kept in good shape. So let them nibble on things, cheap things you can use are pinecones, sticks, carrots... things you should buy are salt licks, nut roll (its like a tube with nuts and stuff all over it, kinda like a granola bar for bunnies)

    Bunnies entertain themselves with paper towel tubes too. You can give them certian cat toys if yours has a playful personality.

    I had a toy called a "Flip N Toss" Specially made for bunnies. My rabbits adored it. It's in the shape of a carrot but it had shakey sounds in it. My bunny would toss it and nibble then toss again. I don't know if they still make it but it was good.

    Another thing to watch out for is their feet.

    Because they are on their feet all day (especially their hindlegs) Make sure there's a towel or cardboard or even a safe peice of wood they can rest on. Something without pee or poo on it. That way there feet don't get infected. (Which is called sore hocks)

    There are also bunny leashes. Those are fun. Taking a bunny for a walk is an incredible thing to do. I heavily suggest that. Just make sure there's no evil dogs or stuff around.


  15. bunnys are really good pets to have here are some things to take care for it.

    -get shavings to put in there cages

    -make a long cage outside that the bunny cant get out of,so it can go out side

    -buy that bunny mix you can get at pet stores

    -you can some times give it treats like lettice and carrots

    -always make sure it has water

    -clean its cage eather once a week or once every other week

  16. If you can keep him in a cage outside and let him out every once in a while give him foods like alfalfa, celery, parsley, and carrots(my bunny only ate the tops but they still like them) play with them and make time for them

  17. Everything you could need to know:

  18. small vegtable pieces. Nothing hard, and try to give it softer things. Give it large areas so it can run around in.

  19. they eat carrots, celery, lettuce, pretty much any fresh veggies. you can also find pellet rabbit food in the pet store. like hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, etc, they need soft bedding for their cage or hutch.

    easiest thing to do is go to a pet store and ask all these questions, the ***

    try this website, it might help.

  20. hahaha feed it rabbit food...clean its cage..if you dont clean it its gonna smell real bad..and play with it

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