
I'm getting a colonic today and they mixed up my appointment with a female therapist.?

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I now have a 5pm with a male therapist and i'm little nervous about letting a male stranger into my backdoor. Do you have to get completely naked, wearing the robe with your butt out or can you keep your top on?




  1. Completely naked.

    Make sure he puts the hose into the right hole.

    Make sure he uses a hose and not a "hose".

    Make sure you REALLY want to do this idiotic nonsense.

  2. colonics are a wasted of time and money. they do nothing for you. eat a good diet and your colon will take care if itself.

  3. I personally would never do a colonic.  They are invasive, unnecessary, and if done by someone who doesn't know what they are doing, dangerous.

    I wouldn't go, and just eat lots of fiber.  Your body is made to clean itself and will do so if given the chance.  Cut back or better yet eliminate all "white" things, (sugar, flour, rice, etc) and begin eating lots of raw stuff.  Fruits and veggies, etc.

  4. Don't worry, these people are all professional therapist's and they do this everyday. You only remove your cloths from the waist down and you do this in private. You wear a hospital gown and the only time that you are exposed is when the nozzle is inserted, after that you are covered with a blanket.

  5. The obsession with "butt therapy" on this board continues....

    There is no medical benefit to having your colon irrigated.  It is naturopathic nonsense.  

    If you are gullible enough to have someone flush out your backside with a hose, and actually give them money to do it...then you shouldn't really care whether its a male or female that is performing this useless assault on you.

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