
I'm getting a ferret in December, what colour ferret should i get?

by Guest21506  |  earlier

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Brown or white.Sometimes i want a white one but sometimes i want a brown ferret. Please help.




  1. i suggest getting a dark coloured farret because a rescent study shows that dark coloured ferrets are more affectional than any other farrets

  2. brown with some stripes on it leet the ferret you see sniff you and see how it reacts like when u let a dog sniff you to identify you

  3. brown.

    as long as it has a cute little pink nose.

  4. get a cute little white one

    and name it "shadow"


  5. What breeder is it coming from?

    People have noticed that albinos generally have less medical problems than other colors, and sables  have more issues. Also - blazes sometimes can be deaf. Deaf ferrets can also be more bitey. The color won't affect the personality at all, so it's really your preference.

    Here is a list of some colors and medical problems/deaths I have personally had. This in no way means that it's true, but just observations:

    Sables (black ferrets) - 2 lymphoma deaths, adrenal disease

    Albino - died of old age, one currently has adrenal disease

    Brown - lymphoma

    Greys - 1 suspected adrenal disease but quite healthy, and one very healthy 8 year old, one health 6 year old (I guess for me, grey is the healthy color!)

    Brown yellow - healthy as a horse

  6. Unless you plan on showing the ferret the colour is generally less important than the ferrets personality and health. Each ferret is an individual and their personalities are very different, some are mischevious high energy troublemakers, some are lap-ferrets (very rare though) and most fall somewhere in between those two. I'd suggest finding the personality and temperment that suits your lifestyle first and if you find a few ferrets with a personality you like then decide if you prefer a particular colour over the other.

    One thing to keep in mind is that certain patterns like Blazes and Panda's are much more likely to have Waardenburg syndrome, it can affect their health over time and often they are deaf. Deafness in a ferret isn't much of an issue, they adapt well and there is a lot of information on training them but the health issues associated with Waardenburg syndrome is something to keep in mind as the ferret may end up needing a little more vet care over time.

    For more information on Waardenburg Syndrome and on the Colours/Patterns for a ferret you can check the links below, the last one is a bit heavy as it gets into genetic markers of waardenburg and implications but I've attached it as some people reading this might find it of interest.

    Good luck on your new ferret, I'm sure that December feels so far away but I'm sure you'll find being a 'ferrent' (ferret parent) to be worth the wait. :-)

  7. why don't you just go see which ferret you like better at the time you're looking for it? (december is a long way off and your tastes may change by then anyway.) after all, you may see a beautiful brown one, but decide you like the personality of a white one there better. go for the one whose personality captures your heart rather than just looking for a specific color.

    i've always been partial to silvers and never thought i'd like a blaze, but when i went to the rescue to get one a few weeks ago, a little blaze-coloured guy just stole our hearts. if you haven't already, search for a ferret rescue in your are. they get ferrets of all kinds and ages in, so you are bound to find the perfect one for you. (mine is a kit, and we just feel better knowing we can give him a good home from a rescue.)

    as for dark ferrets being more affectionate, my albino & dark-eyed white were just as sweet and loving as my sable & blaze ones are. it all depends on their own personality, not colour.)

  8. Purple!!

    lol Colour doesn't matter...just get one u feel u have a connection with (like the one that keeps lookin at u)

  9. Albinos are my favorite. I also like Black Mitts though. Black Sable Standards are also cute.

  10. I love the albino ones.. but solid black ones are cute too!!!

    I had one for awhile!

    So adorable

    GOOD LUCK WITH IT... Mine Died!  :(

  11. Let me tell you my experience...

    When I got my first ferret, I got a white one... she was the smallest one in the cage and seemed to be picked on by the other bigger ones... When I asked to pick one, I stuck my hand in the cage... the bigger ones tried to climb my sleeve because they wanted out soooo badly, but the little white one just sat and licked my fingers... I fell head over heels in love with her and took her home with me... she is the sweetest little thing ever... I also found out that she is deaf... (A lot of dark eyed white ferrets are deaf...)

    One day in the petstore, I decided my little Emmy needed a friend. I looked in the cage, and I picked my second ferret because she was so cute. She was dark with little white socks and she was just so adorable that I had to take her home. Let me just tell you that she had chewed through the cardboard box they put them in to transport them home in the hour drive home, and had succeeded in biting me several times. I knew she was going to be a handful and my boyfriend and mother suggested that I take her back to the store and exchange her because she was so aggressive... I didn't want to be that kind of person, so I just thought maybe I could sweeten her up a little... Almost two years later and shes just as mean as ever...

    The moral of this story is: Don't buy a ferret because you like the color, or because its the most stinkin' cute one in the cage... it could turn out to be a demon like mine...

  12. Ferrets are mean and gross. Get a puppy or hamster

  13. It doesn't matter what color it is.......what matters is the connection between u both........but i would suggest a albino they r so cute!!!!

  14. If it's the red eyes that's turning you off of the white ferrets, you can get a white with black eyes. I got a really pretty one. His furs kinda like wolf coat. He has a white undercoat with black tipped fur. It's called a black roan mitt. Very pretty. I can send you a picture of him if you want

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