
I'm getting a new horse...?

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Okay I have been raised around horses my whole life but have never had my own. I finally talked my grandparents into getting me one. Most people have told me that a Tennessee Walker would be good for my first horse but I would like to know what others think too. I want a male horse, I think. So if you have any suggestions let me know!




  1. it really depends on how tall and experienced you are. i'm about 165cm tall and my first horse was a welsh pony. if you've never ridden before i think you need a calm, as-close-to-bombproof as you can get gelding who isn't very tall. i would definatley recomment a welsh pony as they have wonderful temperments and are a wonderful first pony. make sure you get one that suits your height. just as an example, i would get a pony that is about 13-14 hands high, and most certainly not over 15.2hh.

  2. Get a gelding (fixed boy) Quarter Horse sweet, gentle, caring, easy keepers

  3. All horses are good the question is how much are you willing to spend? what you are planning to do with your horse? some horses can cost you anywehre from 15-20 or even 30k dollars, some as much as 50k and I have known personaly of people who payed as much as 125k for one horse. there are however horses that are really good and you can get them very cheap, but you will need  to put some training in them, or rescue them from someone else. Look into adopting a mustang. you can see a free article at

  4. i would get a quarter horse.....

    usually they are very reliable and fast learners

    i recently bought a horse that had almost no trail experience....

    he is spooked by almost everything

    i have been getting on him everyday and going on the trail and letting him run.....


    i have had no problems other than him stopping but since i have been working with him and letting him run on the trail he has learned that trails can be lots of fun......

    sorry off topic but i really think u should get a quarter horse....

    just make sure he has good feet (it can be kinda hard with quarters to get good feet due to breeding for small feet on a large horse.  u run into alot of problems)

    and also make sure that he stops (many quarter horses can have hard mouths and it is just the way they were born)

    also make sure that he is really friendly and WANTS to be around u.  my last horse before  the one i just got wanted nothing to do with ppl or horses he was very antisocial

    but my new horse loves horses and ppl (unless they are sitting down in the middle of the trail then he is very scared of them but after some prodding he realizes that their really not that bad lol

    good luck and happy trails

    p.s. QUARTER HORSES ROCK!!!!!!!

  5. lol well quarter horses are good, Morgans are just dolls(sweethearts), and arabians are loyal.... its just really depends what your looking for, really id look around and just wait until you find a horse that really matters, size age breed and gender don't matter if you get a friend....

  6. what is the budget.

  7. Quarter horses are great horses. They come in a wide variety, and are good at doing many things. They often have amusing personalities, and are good first horses.

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