
I'm getting a six week old kitten on Wednesday!

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My mom needs me to make a list ASAP of all the things we are going to need for the new kitten. Will you please help me create a list? =)




  1. Litter box, litter, good quality kitten food, food and water dishes, toys, bed. That's about it for a cat.  

  2. If it is 6 weeks old think about picking up some milk replacement formula from Wal-mart or Pets Mart to pour on their food. It helps them grow up to be healthy cats. Its also not very expensive. Its like 3 dollars at Wal-Mart for 8 ounces of it.  

  3. Food $7


    Litter  box $4

    Toys  $3  for  Mice  balls

    Carrier  $12


                    Total $31.07

  4. you will want to wait till the kitten is at LEAST 8 weeks old before taking it from it's mother, though 10-12 weeks would be better.

    litter box (make sure you have one on each level of your house)

    litter (arm and hammer supper scoop unscented)

    litter scooper

    food (spa blue for kittens)

    food dish

    drink well pet fountain

    at least 1 or 2 scratch posts

    toys (remember never ever leave string toys out where your kitten can get to them when you are not around.)

    I'm probably forgetting something but this is what I can come up with off the top of my head

    please don't take the kitten from the mother too early, it will not be socialized properly and you will have a lot more to deal with.

  5. Litter box- You can get that from the supermarket (you dont need those fancy, expensive ones)

    Kitten Food- Wet or dry from your local supermarket

    Basket- When you buy the basket, place it where you want the kitten to sleep so it will learn where their bed is.

    Scratching Post- These can be quite expensive but I would recommend you buy it because if you don't your kitten will scratch up all your furniture.

    Litter- I think that either pebbles or crystals are the best ones to use.

    Scooper- Buy a little scooper from your local supermarket to clean up its poo.

    Kitten Milk- DO NOT give them human milk. Kittens/cats get diahorea from drinking cow's milk.

    Dishes- Buy it 2 separate dishes. 1 for water/milk and one for food.

    Toys- I recommend a mouse toy or a ball or something hanging off the end of a string. You could always make your own toys too!

    Thats pretty much all the essential items you should buy. You can buy anything else that you think is necessary.

    Good Luck & Have Fun With Your Kitten :)  

  6. If the kitten is truly only six weeks old, that is too young unless there is no mother cat, and the kitten has gotten good fostering.  You want the kitten to be at least eight weeks old minimum.  Mother cats are training their kittens for the first two months of life, in all the things they need to know.

    I have posted a link that will get you started.  However, I wouldn't worry about a cat bed, and Feliway is rarely needed.  A low cardboard box with towels in it would make a good bed.

    But the best start you can give is to take your kitten to the vet for a check up, and start a program of booster vaccinations, and make sure there are no ear mites, worms, or fleas.

    Kitten food is advised for the first year, and I have provided a second link on helping you evaluate pet foods.

    Find out what type of litter your kitten is using, and what food your kitten is eating, and start with that.  If you plan to change foods, do it slowly over a week or so to avoid tummy upsets.

  7. 6 weeks is far too young to take a kitten away from its mum. It should be at least 8 weeks, but preferably 9 or 10.

    Otherwise, you need:

    a food bowl for meat and biscuits

    a water bowl

    a food fork (you don't want to use a normal one, believe me!)

    a mat

    kitten meat

    kitten biscuits

    a bed that is personal to your kitten

    a scratching post

    a cat carrier (for vet visits)

    cat toys (even if it's just a ball of aluminium foil)

    cat treats (to help the training process)

    a litter tray

    a litter tray scoop


    wet wipes (for when the floor gets covered in kitty p**p)

    litter tray freshener

    a pair of marigold gloves (see wet wipes)

  8. Litter box and cat litter (I find the scoopable kind more economical - for  four cats I scoop daily and change once a week)

    Food/water dishes and food (I give my cats dry cat food only - it scrapes their teeth to keep them clean and prevents yucky stinky type litter messes)

    Maybe a bed unless you want your kitty to sleep with you.

    Some toys - a catnip mouse is a must, and a ball that ratlles or jingles is good. My grandmother used to tie a wad of paper and cellophane in the end of a long string and we would drag it around for the cat to chase.  My cats love to play with the plastic ring from the top of the milk jug.  You'll  learn what your kitty likes for toys.  She'll teach you.

    A scratching post of some sort - there are models that aren't the post type - like a ring of corrugated cardboard that you can sprinkle with cat nip

    And don't forget - lots of love and care

    PS.  remember cats are fairly independent animals - the less you force them to do  the more they do because they want to.  My cats are very attached to my husband because he let them alone when they wanted to be let alone.

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