
I'm getting a tattoo, but where?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a tattoo sometime in the next month of a little (about penny-sized) star so that I can match my sisters who each have one. Do I want it...

Behind my ear, so it's visible when my hair is back, but not when it's down..

On my foot, right under my little toe...

On the back of my neck, so once again it's only visible when my hair is up...

or do you have suggestions of a good place?




  1. even though looks painful...i think the ankle is good for getting a small can cover it up if you so choose.  

  2. Behind your ear, or wherever your sisters have theirs.

  3. How about your ankle? It will hurt but it will look nice.

  4. NECK!!! Below your hair.  Don't be afraid to break a little of the tradition by getting more that 1 star and another good place where no one would usually see would be on the inner part of your upper thigh.  Very s**y and unusual!  Also not many girls have this but if you put it on your bicep that's pretty cute too.

  5. Ankle.

  6. i think it looks really cute when people get three stars behind there ear... bigger then smaller...  it looks good on the back of you wrist .. like you would see the bands to your rings...

  7. If I were you, I'd get it on my ankle. Or you could get it on your upper chest (between breast and shoulder), shoulder, or upper arm. Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable having a tattoo that I couldn't hide if I needed to. And while you could hide one on the back of your neck or behind the ear with having your hair down all the time, that could become a pain if you worked someplace where you weren't allowed to show it, and if you ever got a shorter haircut it would be seen. Plus if you worked someplace conservative enough to have a no tattoo policy, it might seem informal to always wear your hair down. Just some things to consider....  

  8. how about you get it where your sisters got theirs...then it can mean something you are honoring them

  9. I got my tattoo on on the upper part of my left breast. So when i wear my low neck shirts i can flash my tattoo. when i don't want to show it its really easy to hide.

  10. Put it on your lower back so your boyfriend has something to aim for when he pulls out from behind you.

  11. i have 2 flowers on my hurt but it is a good spot to have it i beleive because i can cover it up when i want or show it off without making it a look i have a tattoo kind of thing...the ear and neck really depends on what your career is/going to be...they make not like those areas because they are more easily visable  

  12. wrist <3

  13. i think the ankle is a good place, its a cute summer accessory for skirts but very easy to hide if ever need be.

    the ear is also cute. but under your little toe do you mean on the bottom of your foot? i don't really like the foot idea overall. if you get it on your neck you can't see it , and i don't like tattoos on the back of girls necks personally.

  14. I like the behind your ear idea, my friend Christina has a little tattoo behind hers. It's convenient for when you have to work you can hide it and when you're out or at home you can put your hair up so it's visible.

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