
I'm getting a tattoo on my side?

by  |  earlier

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i usually tend to think i have a pretty good tolerance for pain. i handle shots and needles well.. i also have one tattoo on my shoulder blade and i think i took it pretty good. but now i'm getting a tattoo on my side. i think i should be ok, but i'm just wondering if anyone has been tattooed there &can you explain the pain?




  1. It kind of goes like this, if the skin is tender (i.e. inside of the arm, ribs) it will be bothersome, Don't sweat it to much if you already have one, you pretty much know what to expect, but again ribs hurt, its closer to bone so you feel the pressure more! Have fun and take care of that new tat!

  2. i know ppl who have been tattooed on their sides. ribs etc

    let me tell you of the 3 of them they all have something different to say

    don't look for someone here to validate you and say it won't hurt much...

    just get it done and deal with the pain as best as you can when you are getting it done

    it's gonna hurt, no getting around it

  3. It's quite painful on the front side of the ribs.  The back side isn't as bad.  Your ribcage will rattle a bit, but it's tolerable.  I'm going next Tuesday to finish mine out and will be going further up the rib cage, which supposedly is worse.  It also depends on how thin you are from what I've been told.  If there's a little extra cushion, then it more bearable.  I was lucky that when I started, my artist had just had work done on his the evening prior, so he was a little easier on me knowing that it is a more sensitive area.  If it's large, definitely break it up into more than one session though!

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