
I'm getting braces, and I don't know how they'll look?!?

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I've grown up with braces being catigorized as "nerdy." so I'm naturally worried about what other people will think. I run with the "in" crowd, and I'm really worried what all my friends are going to think about the new "metal mouth." I don't want all my friends ditching me because I look like a freak. So really I'm asking, how can I make braces look cool? How can I kind of disguise my braces so they are less noticable? And how can I make my braces look "trendy". Thanks guys! (:




  1. I have Ceramic tooth colored braces

    So nobody will notice them

    Its great one of my bffs didn't know I had them for like

    8 months then she finally realized!

    there a bit more but not that much.

  2. the thing that you have to do is just ignore it. dont make a big deal out of it and they wont either

  3. most high schoolers with braces get the newest kind, that dont have colors and speed up treatment time so you wont have braces as long. Plus, they're smaller and less noticeable when you close youir mouth.

    Ask your ortho if you could get that kind.

    If you can't get those, and have to get colors.

    DO NOT get clear, black, white, yellow, brown or like green. They look awful.

    Light pink is probably the best color because its not very bright and "blends in" to the brackets,

    besides, people will eventually forget what you looked like with braces and see them as a part of you. It wont matter after a while.

    Just think, if your friends ditched you with braces, theyll be running back to you when they come off and you have perfect teeth.

    Seriously, are they really ur friends if they would do something like that?

    You shouldn't go through life having to always wory about how you look, youll be miserable. :D

  4. first of all,*ahem* I have braces,and since you categorize braces as nerdy...well I'll still help you out.You can choose the colors for the bands (or watever they're called) you can have more than one color.And you should need to hide your braces,instead,rub it in people faces cuz braces cost a lot and it should be a privilege not a right to wear braces.And if you don't want to think of it that way then just get white band thingies (still don't know what they're called).And think of it this way:the earlier you get your braces,the earlier they'll be taken off.A lot of people at my school got braces this year but I got mine last year,so mine will be off this January I think.

  5. Actually, at my school having braces means you care about your image.

    I think crooked teeth is a sign of nerdiness..

    And alot of people actually look cute with braces on, its almost like a charm.

    Dont worry about it, Just accessorize it, pick your favorite colors and wear lip gloss.

    and Just be yourself, when I had braces, people actually complimented me.

    haha, weird i know, but just be proud you had the money to actually, "beautify" yourself.

    And plus like the other people, true friends wont ditch you before you have braces.

    Thats quite shallow, if they do that, Id rather ditch them and find better ones that accept your new smile (:

  6. Hi, firstly, real friends wouldn't ditch you just because you got braces. If they do, then they're not worth it. I have braces too and my friends loved them, but that's because I had the confidence to wear them. They don't make you look like a freak or a nerd and I've actually begun to like my braces alot now! You can always wear a bit of lip gloss to make your mouth look more prettier and draw attention away from the brace.

    Just think of how good your teeth will look after the brace treatment, they'll be lovely and straight which is something to look forward too.            


  7. You aren't getting the braces for the REST of your life!  So, relax, my dear.  Sure, you MAY look rather nerdy for the period of time they're in your mouth, but THAT is not why you're getting them.  The hope is that you will develop an appreciation and the discipline to maintain the health of your teeth.  You have NO idea how many coworkers have some gnasty (gnarly) teeth.  It makes the skin on the back of my neck crawl when they open their mouths while they speak for the rest of us to see their nasty, crooked teeth.

    Your parents LOVE you SO much that they're willing to PAY on the order of $2-5K to get your teeth set straight.  Want to PAY them back.  Develop the discipline to FLOSS your teeth every couple of nights before bed and after EVERY time you consume beef - not hamburger.  For me, the meats from meals like steak, pork, or chicken, for example, end up between my teeth, and this leads to their decay.  Flossing them subsequently removes this garbage and leaves your teeth healthier.

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