
I'm getting braces on Friday and i want to know more about it. and also, will they hurt?

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how will they be put in?

will they hurt while they are being put in ?

will they rub against the inside of my lip- how can i stop that from happening?

will they hurt a lot afterwards/




  1. It's not going to hurt at all when they put them on....

    you'll barely be able to eat after you get them on

    a few hours later, your mouth is going to hurt so bad you'll want to cry,,, and you won't be able to eat anything solid

    and that's gonna happen for about a week or so :]]

    and they give you wax to prevent the braces from cutting your mouth.. it doesnt really work though


  2. As usual they will examine your mouth, your teeth and gums' conditions then they will start. First polishing of teeth is needed and they will dry up your teeth, thats very important before they put the glue and brackets. Archwire were put through the brackets and then it is twisted. It creates little pain, that is tolerable.

    They won't hut actually only the feeling of uncomfortability is there. As the braces are fixed on, you teeth might feel sore and tender to biting pressure. Don't worry that last for few days only.

         Initially one feels discomfort due to rubbing,or other problems like difficulty in speech and eating hard foods is common although this settles down in a few weeks. Listen to your orthodontist.

           Need not worry much go ahead and enjoy your braces!

  3. it will pain a lot....   oops..........

  4. i dont have bgraces my mates do though. they said they hurt the 1st two days then they fell really normal

  5. hi, i use to have them, i doesnt really hurt to put them on. they use a glue to keep them stuck on your teeth. they will start slow and over the nexts months tighten them every month when you go back. they do sometimes rub on your inside lips and jaw, but they will give you a waxy type stuff that you can get as much as you need, and put it in the place where it is rubbing, just put it on the bracket and it will stick there and keep it from rubbing. as they tighten them each month, yes it can be sore for a few days after, especially if your trying to eat steak, but i would recommend sticking to stuff that is easy to chew for a couple of days, like potatoes, soup. you will be fine, you will get use to it after a few times and relize how much it was worth it! good luck!

  6. it didnt hurt when i got mine put on i feel asleep but the next few days there gunna be really sore

  7. here is a great website all about braces:

  8. 1. It's hard to explain, sorry i cant answer this question.

    2. No, it dosent really hurt while they are putting them on, but they are sore after they are on.

    3. Yes, and it will feel weird. You can put the wax on them.

    4. They are pretty sore. Just take some tylenol before you go and after, and when ever you need it. But just eat soft foods,

    some foods you can eat are

    -mashed potatoes

    -ice cream

    -green beans(cooked)

    -anything noodles



    Good luck!

  9. I have braces, and to be honest, i don't know how they put it on because i was too scared and had my eyes shut the whole entire process. What i do know is that there was some blue light which im guessing is something like super glue. They did not hurt while they were being put on, but  they do put a bit of pressure on each tooth when putting on each brace to make sure it stays on for about two seconds (nothing to worry about) The only place in your mouth where it could be uncomfortable would be the back of your mouth (gums) because of the wires. They will be poking you. Some orthodontists give wax for it, but my orthodontist wouldn't give me any because they said it would affect the process so i'm not sure how the wax works. They will not hurt a lot, however, they will be uncomfortable for a few days. After about 2-3 hours of putting on the braces, they can start to get uncomfortable. The best thing would be to have some yogurt handy because it is hard to chew for a few days. After that, you're fine. Every month, you go back to the orthodontist so they can tighten your braces, and that feels weird at first because you feel pressure on your teeth, but you get used to it after about a day.

  10. They will cement metal brackets on the faces of your teeth, and then run a wire from your back molar all the way across to the other back molar.

    It will be uncomfortable when they start to tighten this wire, otherwise installation will not hurt.

    They will rub the inside of your lip, but they are not sharp or anything, so there is nothing to worry about there.

    They will only hurt when you have them tightened.

  11. - They put them in by applying special dental cement. They will hold your mouth open with a plastic thing, that will make it easier for the dentist to know what he / she is doing. After they have stuck all the barckets on they will ask you to choose a color (unless you ae choosing to have clear ones). Then they will thread the wire through and secure them with the colourful bands.  - Don't get scared by all the machines.. some of them can be quite freaky looking but they aren't that bad at all. Hopefully your orthodntist will tell you what each of them do..

    - It won't 'hurt' when they pt your braces on (Depending on how gentle your orthodontist is of course). But it will just be a bit boring waiting there - (unless they have a TV... =]). Your mouth might get a little tired, or feel uncomfortable but it is only because they will be your mouth will be n an awkward position for a while.

    - Your dentist should give you some dental wax. (If he / she doesn't ask them about it). There most likely will be some rubbing on the inside of your lip to start. The wax will make it feel more comfortable and you won't be able to feel the bracket quite so much. It will get better after the first couple of weeks though.

    - It will hurt for a few days after wards.. depending on how much treatment you have. If you have head gear to wear at night (like I did), I would suggest getting used to the braces first. Wear the head gear on  the second or third night. Otherwise it will cause a little more discomfort. That was the worst bit for me personally.

    When you go through different types of treatment throughout the time of your braces it might be uncomfotable. But It's all worth it in the end!!

    Good luck, and don't worry about it too much about it.. It will be painful for the first week.. but after that you will get used to it and eventualy you won't even know they are there. At the end you won't want your braces off =]

  12. I just had my bottom ones put on about a month ago.First they put this thing in your mouth to keep your mouth open, then hey dry off your teeth first, put some glue on the teeth, then the brackets and move them to where they need to be so your teeth will move, then shine a UV light on them and you're done! Having them put on doesn't hurt at all, except it does get a little annoying having your mouth open for that long, they will rub against the inside of your lip, but if thats annoying you can put wax on the brackets, just ask the dentist for some. They are only a little sore the day after, but it goes away after a few days.

  13. hye!

    im getting braces too in like 2 weeks... i'm sorta nervous too! aaaaaa i hope it's not TOO painful. oh well i think i'll/you will be fine! how long do u have to have them on? like 2 years? well idk how they put them on, im assuming like glue and yeah... idk. they know what they're doking i wouldn't worry about it. it's all been done b4.. lol. well ya ithey'll give u wax i'm pretty sure and yeah idk a whole lot more than that but good luck!!!!!

    hope i helped...?


  14. Of course. The horrible, aching pain will last for several days and eating soft, liquidy foods is strongly advised because biting into anything hard is extremely painful. Foods such as soup, macaroni & cheese and soft pasta are strongly recommended. I cried on the first night I had my brace, and threatened to hack it out of my mouth with a pair of plyers but I probably shouldn't tell you that because I'm sure your teeth weren't as out-of-place as mine. When your brace is in your mouth, your lips will feel much bigger and it may rub against your gums (causing irritation) but they will provide you with special gel gum to insert over your brace if need be. Don't worry about it! Your orthodonist is a professional and he's been through years - possibly decades - of training and research and practice and whatnot. Your teeth will look absolutely stunning after your brace it taken off, too. Good luck with everything!

  15. how will they be put in?

    will they hurt while they are being put in ?

    will they rub against the inside of my lip- how can i stop that from happening?

    will they hurt a lot afterwards/

    1:They put like cement on your teeth so it will stay on

    2:It does a little and feels like pressure against your teeth

    3:I don't know,I've never had that issue,it depends on how big your braces are and if they are huge enough to do that,don't like put your lips over your teeth,you know what i mean right?

    4:Yes for a few weeks,atleast.

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