
I'm getting braces this monday and my dentist told me that she was going to put some tubes, what did dhe mean?

by Guest32733  |  earlier

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i didn't understand what did she mean with that of the "tubes in the back" can u explain me please??? and will they hurt or will they look horrible when i simile?? please help me!




  1. I am guessing she was talking about the BANDS,  which look like small tooth bracelets that slide onto 4 teeth in the back.   They are the anchors for your braces,  and cannot be seen by other people unless you flip your head wide open and upside down.    They do not hurt,  especially if you have your spacers in (unless you already have space and don't need spacers)  

  2. u have nothing to worry about. what ur dentist meant by tubes is a slot in the band that they are going to put on ur molar teeth. this "tube" is what the wire of the braces will be going through to anchor them in place.

    u wont even be able to c them. the 1st time ur orthodontist places the braces u will have some pain till ur teeth adjust to the braces. believe me what pain if at all u have any will be all worth it when ur braces come off at the end of ur treatment. :-)

  3. The tubes go on your teeth just like the brackets, they won't feel any different. Tubes are way in the back, they're very small, and no one will likely be able to see them, it will be hard for you to see them! Either a wire goes through it or it's where you slip in your headgear metal bow. If you have headgear, your parents may have to help at first to get the bow into the tubes.

    My son is on his 3rd week of braces and they haven't really hurt much. He forgets he has them on. I gave him kids tylenol before his appointments in case of pain. He had to get used to sleeping with his headgear on, but he can sleep on his face now, no problem. He wears his headgear 12 hours, mostly during sleep and not out of the house. If you do get headgear, it's probably one of the most important aspects of braces, so be sure to wear it or your treatment will take longer.

    Ask your orthodontist if it's ok to use a battery operated dental flosser. They have a little plastic flosser sticking out that can go in above the braces. You can get one at places like Target for $15.

    To see tubes:

    To see metal bow and headgear:

    Just remember how gorgeous your smile is going to look in a couple short years!

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