
I'm getting contacts, what color should I get? Picture inside.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting some very soon but what color would look good on me?

I'm the girl of course...I have brown eyes...




  1. Green, or turqoise. since you have brown eyes((i do too)) The green, looks like a green type of hazel, but more green.deff. And turqoise will look more  blue, its a really pretty colour.

  2. You have gorgeous eyes! :O

    But if you really want a change, I'd say hazel.

  3. green or hazel♥

  4. i have dark green eyes, not as dark as your eyes, and i have tried every single color contact there is and none make the huge difference that i want, or even a slight difference. my family, who sees me every day, doesnt even notice when i switch out my colored contacts for the clear ones. if you are willing to pay extra cash for colored contacts that show up only when you are two inches away from your face, go for it, but i would just stick to regular clear contacts.

  5. try green.

    i dont know if i would get colored contacts though.

    i have clear.....color ones seem a little bit fake to me. =/

  6. stick with the brown..  

  7. get a tri color so you can see the colir,I have brown eyes too.I have emerald green and aqua.If you like to stand out get the aqua,if you want to look more realistic go witha green color.

  8. Maybe Green or Honey Brown Contacts You Won't Believe Your Eyes!


  9. What wrong with the color brown i have the same color i would not want to change them

  10. Green :) Bc blue is so common..

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