
I'm getting married soon and we would like everyone to give us monetary gifts -what is the best way to ask

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I'm getting married soon and we would like everyone to give us monetary gifts -what is the best way to ask




  1. If you don't register anywhere they won't know what to get and you'll get money...most people give money anyway.

  2. You can't.  That would be beyond the limits.

  3. There is NO good way to come out and ask this. You'll just look like a cold-hearted money grubber. If you just don't register anywhere, most of the guests will get the idea.

  4. Truthfully, there is no proper way to ask for a gift. If someone specifically asks YOU what you would like, then its fine to mention money. But if not, be grateful for what you do receive. Most people will be turned off by a specific request. Besides, its not about the wedding and all the gifts- its about the lifelong commitment you will be making!

  5. that is very rude... if I was invited to a wedding and asked in ANY way for that.. I would get a gift on purpose just for asking. people are already spending money to go to your wedding... dress, suit, shoes and etc... all that cost money... they are not being invited to a BBQ... a wedding... it is different.

    do yourself a favor and save yourself the embarrassment of asking so you have enough people to actually show up at your wedding....

    you have a lot of nerve

  6. dude you sound like tacky tacky individuals. I hope every gift you get is a non refundable toaster

  7. Do yourself a favor and don't register anywhere... and don't ask for money instead.  It's very very very TACKY. Instead let the word out you an your fiance are needing monitary gifts.  When you are asked where are you registered.. it's the perfect opportunity to tell them that you were hoping for monetary gifts.. otherwise. to put it in your invites is nothing short of a trailer pot luck reception.

  8. As difficult as it is for some people to approve of, I've seen it done and it's something that is even deemed the acceptable/appropriate gift in some cultures.

    Ours... not so much.

    That said ---

    I was invited to the wedding of a co-worker who had lived with her fiance prior to their formal wedding. Since they had an established household all ready, they didn't need to register anywhere for any gifts through a registry - so they didn't. Instead, the wedding planner had a special smaller (matching) embossed card enclosed in the wedding invitations stating that in lieu of wedding gifts, the couple would accept/appreciate monetary gifts. (I don't remember the exact wording but it didn't sound crass or inappropriate to me.)

    One of the bridesmaids also told me that they had established this request very early on in the planning stages of the wedding with friends and family so it wasn't a point of contention or "odd" to anyone by the time the wedding day rolled around.

    Times being what they are and the fact that they had pretty much everything they needed... well, it made sense to us.

    You could try going to one of the wedding etiquette websites or forums to see if anyone has any advice on the matter:

    Good luck. I'm sure you'll make every attempt to find a tasteful way of conveying your wishes.

  9. you can't ask, it's rude no matter how you slice it.

  10. There is no good way to ask people for money. Especially when it comes to gifts.

    Also I think those wishing wells and the dance for dollars thing the bride does is also very tacky.

    You get what you get. Don't use your wedding to try to take advantage of other peoples' wallets.

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