
I'm getting my braces off in 2 weeks, what do you think of the final results (pictures)

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These are pics of my teeth taken today. I'm 14 y/o girl, I have had my braces for 2 years. I am just getting my 12 year old molars in on my upper and lower right side...and on my upper and lower left side is still just gum. The tooth colored things on the back of my front teeth are suppose to be little stoppers to keep my upper teeth from over lapsing my bottom teeth and hitting the brackets (I don't need them anymore).

So what do you think of the final results? Do my teeth look good?.....

here are some pics:




  1. ha

    It's funny she said that b/c I was just obsessing over how white they looked (to me anyway) :p

    Congratulations :]

    This railroad is still open for business (only about 4 visits....or less...though) :D

  2. Well your teeth look great as far as orthodontics go.

    You might want to invest in some whitening strips

    or some decent toothpaste?

  3. it is not the end result yet well at least not until they get the braces off well so far so good have the best of luck getting em off i heard it kinda hurts but it is worth it for getting a nice straight "WHITE" smile so the best of luck with the whitning and everything ill pray for you god bless you

  4.   They'll look great!  

      I got mine off and put back on 2 days ago but before they were put back on the top looked great. Working on my bottom teeth now.  It'll be great.

      Enjoy the slimy feeling afterward!  :D

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