
I'm getting my period in a week, is there anything in advance I can do to make it a light period?

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My period is usually REALLY heavy and I have cheerleading camp on Monday to Friday from 9am-8pm and it would suck really bad if I had as heavy of a period that I usually get. I usually bleed through super plus tampons in an hour on the first day soooo its pretty bad.

Anywayyyy, any tips to make it lighter ?




  1. Relax and rest more

    and eat right during these periods

    Never drink cold drinks or eat cold food this will cause clotting in your uterus leading to severe pain and heavier period...

    Don't stay up late so your hormones can be balanced..

    Adequate amount of exercise and sleep well

  2. I use to be like that. I know how bad it sucks. About 6 months ago i had a ruptured ovarian cyst and my periods got so much lighter. Before that I tried everything to get a lighter period but nothing really worked for me. I looked on the internet and everything but no one had anything to help.  I use to go through a super plus in 30 min. on the first few days. Just wear a pad and a tampon. Maybe you should ask your doctor about it.  

  3. Your period is shedding of your uterine lining. Since your uterine lining is already thick you cannot make yourself bleed lighter....unless you are currently on Birth Control Pills...then you can just continue to take your pills and you won't bleed until you stop them.

  4. excersise a lot.

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