
I'm getting my tragus pierced tomorrow and I have a few questions..?

by Guest59540  |  earlier

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First of all, I really don't like the ring that most people have in their tragus. I want a post but heard that most piercing places only allow you to get a ring when you first get it pierced. Is this true? Because I DO not want a ring.

Also, if anyone has had it done, how much does it hurt? And are there things i should know before getting it done?

Also, if i decide i do not want it, will it heal nicely or is the tragus a place that will leave a big scar or something?

Any advice or comments would be awesome! THanks.




  1. what the %&* is a tragus. dont do it. you'll regret it.  

  2. It really differs from shop to shop, but it's not necessary to have it pierced with a cbr.  Call around to different shops though before you go in and ask what their policy is.

    It didn't hurt me at all, but I have a high tolerance for pain.

    The tragus is pierced at a fairly small gauge (usually 16), so when it's removed any scarring will probably be minimal.  Just a small dot.

    I'm not sure what else you'd like to know, but this wiki page has some pretty accurate info:

  3. Ohhh good choice on your piercing, I have it done and I adore it.

    Well firstly..

    I would actually recommend the ring...

    because having a stud piercing will prevent you from being able to wear ear buds as your head phones..

    Which would be quite annoying because you aren't supposed to change your piercing for at LEAST three months.

    And to be honest...the ring looks cute.

    It didn't hurt at all.

    When they are piercing it..focus on something else..

    and inhale..

    It helps alot actually.

    I have no idea about the healing process if you take it out..

    But I do know that they pierce it with a hollow needle..

    so they are removing a tube of cartilage from your ear..

    So I'm not sure.

    I hope your tragus looks good :)

  4. i had my tragus pierced and the needle got stuck cuz my tragus was so thick, and it still didnt hurt.

    its a little pinch.

    i had a 16 ga. post in at first cuz i hated the rings.

    but today i went and got a blue ring put in.

    just something different cuz i thought it was weird cuz you just saw the ball.

    but mine didnt hurt at all and healed nicely.

    no problems.

  5. well mine didnt hurt that much. when you go to get it done just relax, it wont hurt as much. also take very good care of it.

    i had a keliod on mine, which is a nasty red bubble. which keliods can leave scars, but luckily mine didnt get that bad. so keep it clean.

    i think most piercers do put the ring in when they do it because with the ring its easier to clean and it heals a little faster then the bar.

    well good luck!!..i hope a helped =]

  6. not sure...but,,,;...

  7. I have a tragus piercing on my left and right ear done. They are not painful but keep in mind there is a slight pressure that feels like a hard pinch since the area is a thicker piece of cartilage. Just make sure to get it pierced by a reputable piercing shop that uses only hollow needles and sterlie equippment to insure a safe and healthy piercing. As for the jewelry I have a labret post in instead of a CBR, my piercer asked me since i had an option to either pick a labret post or CBR. So make sure to ask the piercer if you can get a labret post instead of a CBR they should be able to help you with that decision. As for the aftercare just cleanse the area with warm sea salt soaks atleast 2-3 times a day and cleanse the area no more than once a day with antibacterial soaop such as Dial.  Don' t touch your piercing with dirty hands , don't play with it and if you sleep on your side try not to sleep on the side that you have it pierced on. Usually if the piercing gets irritated a small bump will appear this is hypertrophic scarring and it can be treated by soaking the area with warm sea salt compresses and tea tree oil, they usually fade away in a week or two. As for scarring in the future, if they are taken well care of there should be minimal to hardly unnoticeable scarring , just be sure to cleanse the area throughly the day you decide to close them up. Good Luck.

  8. I have had them in the past. No scar at all. It hurts not that bad, it feels like a regular cartilage piercings. The only weird thing is that you can hear the needle breaking the cartilage which is strange. You probably can get a post in it, just make sure you request it.  

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