
I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow, does it hurt?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and I have to get two of my wisdom teeth pulled, will it hurt?




  1. It doesn't hurt when they pull it, but it will hurt when the drugs wear off.. if you don't want any pain, make sure that you take your pain meds as directed! Good Luck!

  2. It is somewhat painful, but nothing unbearable. I think it's more annoying than painful, actually (food tends to get stuck in the sockets afterwards) I survived getting all 4 pulled at the same time, 2 should be a breeze!

    Good luck and don't worry, you'll get through it, we all do =)

  3. I am not going to lie it does hurt. a few months ago I had three wisdom teeth pulled and it was no fun. I ended up getting dry socket afterwards and thats what really hurts. After the numbing wheres off that is when the pain kicks in. Just take care of yourself and try not to get dry socket and you should be just fine. Good luck!

  4. it's not fun!!!

    no, you shouldn't feel any pain during the procedure.

    afterward, you might have some aching, but they'll give u pain meds.

    trust me, it won't be anything you can't handle ;) good luck!!!

  5. They give you drugs.  It won't hurt until the drugs wear off.

  6. no. either they will numb you or knock you out. I was put to sleep when they did mine. Mine we impacted which meant they had to cut into the gums and dig them out. Make sure you take care of your mouth once its over to keep from getting infections. Eat soft foods too. (duh)

  7. well if the drugs don't work well yes.

    my sister is getting 4 wisdom teeth pulled in 2 days. Her doctor said that she will have to lay down for 2 days and not talk. You might want to watch a lot of movies during this time. But yes it does hurt but you'll live. Just get it over with and you will be fine. =) don't worry about it! GOOD LUCk! =)

  8. no, they numb you up first so don't worry. I had all 4 of mine pulled at once! the pain isn't bad it is the big holes in my mouth that I hated!

  9. No but there is a lot of pressure with the pushing and shoving to get the tooth out.The needles suck. If you are getting one out on the bottom, the needle goes into the bone..ouch, but just for a few seconds. Follow instructions very well when you go home.Ask questions too.I had mine out almost 2 months ago and it's still not closed all the way. I'm gonna  go back to the dentist and ask about this.Eat well before you go because eating after is somewhat difficult. I had to have advil for almost 2 weeks after, not 2 days like they said. I hope all goes well. Take care.

  10. I just got my four wisdom teeth taken out 2 days ago. I thought it was going to hurt getting them out too, but it was no problem!! I got IV Sedation and was put to sleep for the whole thing. While they put the needle in I got a little laughing gas so I wasn't so nervous. Then I woke up. The worst part of the whole thing is that you can't eat normal food. I have only been eating pudding, yogurt, and jello. I luckily have no pain, except a little pressure when I try to open my mouth.... So don't worry about it. One good thing about it is that you get to relax for a whole week while you recover!! Good Luck =)

  11. i had two premolars removed. . . it shouldn't hurt. . .you might feel pressure but no pain . . they will put gel on your gum to numb you for your shot . . then you will be numbed by the shot no pain at all.. ... again you will only feel pressure  

  12. I've never had mine pulled, but my brother did. It was horrible. He couldn't eat anything except soup, and his mouth was bleeding and he was drooling.

    Oh, jeez, I didn't need to think about that again.

    But it varies by person.

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