
I'm getting nervous because exams coming!?

by  |  earlier

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I've always think negative things.How to make me a little confident and ready for the exams?HELP easy ten points!? Left with 2 days..Quick,your ans b4 the day ok?




  1. okay, first the panic is good, i always panic before an exam - if i don't i panic because i'm not panicing - make sure you take water into the exam it will calm your stomach - another idea is to take 1 and only 1 paracetamol and hour before you enter - even if you don't feel ill - it will stop any illness stopping you in the exam, to make you feel confident do practice papers and see how you do or (this may sound mean) revise with a friend who you know is not quite as good as you on the subject - then you get a confidence boost and also you can help them and by helping them in strengthens the topic in your mind

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