
I'm getting ready to enlist in the USMC. i'm torn; intel or infantry?

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anyone done both? i've talked to plenty of people from infantry. not so much for intel. please only serious answers from people who really know.




  1. Well, those are two very distinct and different career paths.  There are a couple considerations.   Which will better prepare you for the workforce after your enlistment?  That all depends on whether or not you a) plan to stay in for 20 or just serve 1 or 2 enlistments, and b) what your skills, interests, and aptitudes are.  

    If you're a guy who enjoys movies with complex themes, and is good at figuring out mysteries, working puzzles, and playing strategy-type games, it's likely you have an aptitude for intel that would be used and challenged during an enlistment in that field.  If you don't enjoy and aren't good in those areas, then intel probably isn't the best slot for you.

    I always encourage prospective recruits to take a career guidance course... you may even be able to find one online...  The bottom line is, if you can identify your skills and interests, and if you know what kinds of things you're good at, you will best serve... and be best served by, enlisting in something that will put those things to work.

    Best of luck to you!  

  2. it all comes down to this: do you want to work in an office and have all other marines think you're a vag-ina. or, do you want to kill some mother f_ckin haji's?!?

  3. ALL Marines are MOS ,0311, (Infantry),to start, then because of you test scores you will be chosen to go certain directions. If you complete those assignments, you can then ask to go to a specific assignment. Good luck. Semper Fi.

  4. Well know this first. you dont choose your job in the Marines. its such a small force, hence the few and the proud. based on your test scores from the asvab they place you where they think you will do best

  5. With the Marine Corps being so small, and soooooooooo unfunded compared to the other branches, you more than likely would rotate between the two. Most Marines have a Primary MOS, and then they also have a secondary in case there is any shorts.

    Army may be best if you dont have family. Other than long deployments(A year plus training beforehand) they are a much better branch for someone wanting to do what you are desiring.

  6. It's best to think past the NEAR future...

    Best would be intel. There aren't many jobs for infantry as a civilian.

  7. I helped train Marines for some of the Intel work at Ft. Huachuca (You almost sneeze it.) To begin with, every Marine is an Rifleman first. Then you do your MOS.

    Intel is a very important job no matter what branch you serve in. Without good Intel, you are lost. How do you get good Intel, by having good people in those positions.

    I spent 21 years in the US Army, in Intel. I saw some good things, I saw some bad things. If I had to do it all over again, I would. There is nothing like knowing that something you provided someone one, helped save others lives. And yes, Intel does save lives  

  8. Intel is great. It's pretty hard though. It depends on who you are. It takes a certain person for both jobs. My MOS is infantry in the Army and I like it so far. I have a friend in Texas going to school for intel in the Army also, he doesn't seem like he loves it so much, he's switching to infantry after I told him about me. It depends on your personality man just do what's going to be best for you. You either want to an expert with a gun or work intel the choice is yours.

    No man you get to pick your MOS as long as you qualify for it on your ASVAB.

  9. Go intel. Tell me how what you've learned in the infantry will help you in civilian life after the Corps? It won't, because most companies don't need someone to mortar a village. Most.

  10. Ooorah LEE P [see above, you yoohoos], long live the 2600s!!

    But what department of Intel does the questionaire speak of?  The S-2, or the S-6.  Well, in Force Recon, our SigInt Officers are in joint shop of the S-2/S-3 and Marines of the S-6 (Comm).  [S-2] is Intel (the oxymorons-Military Intelligence, get it?), and the [S-3] Training and Operations.

    There are the 0200s and 2600s.  Although the 2600s get to play with awesom Satcoms!  We only get the smallload receivers.  You may have on your contract to be a 0200, but you will be signing an agreement that if there is not any room to fill you in at Dam Neck, you will be a 2600, and you will be learning Morse Code at Huachuca in AZ!

    On the contrary, not every Marine is 0300 Infantry, but a 'rifleman'.  Every  Marine has shouldered a rifle and have basic fundamentals in patrolling.  Also to include that every Marine is required to qual on their rifle every year, or us recon-buffs, almost every training day!

    It was 'our' job to gather intelligence and provide the S-2 what we have collected (one of the disseminations of Intel's intrigal objectives).  Intel is involved in the process, and -other c**p- those POGs do!  Anyways, valuable intelligences saves lives of our 'real' fighters, our true warriors, the Marine Infantry!  Without us, our MEF (or MAGTF) Commanders within the FMF cannot display any maneuver warfare in the battlefield, which we call 'battlepace shaping'.  Hope you are all 'ears' here! I'm not chewing bubblegum!  The School at the Navy Yard at Dam Neck is pretty tough, but so is the Army Installation at Fort Huachuca (its Apache, just in case you are wondering!).  It is up for you to decide!

    NOTE:  You must understand that the Marine Corps is the only expeditionary force that exists within the United States.  Being on 'float' may be within your enlistment, but go for it, you gain experience and knowledge!

    You will be required to be a researcher of the news if you go in as a 0200.  You will be required to write a report of current events as a study in order for you graduate from the Intel School at Dam Neck, Virginia.  But at Huachuca, you'll be learning the -dit -dat- -dat- dit- dit -dit -dat! usage!  I had an SinInt Marine that was an operator in my platoon (when I was with Force Recon).  He could wire Morse Code anything that I gave him....Santana, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Dwight Yoakam, you name it!!!  Very impressing!!

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