
I'm getting ready to go to my doctor to discuss birth control options. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I would like one that doesn't make me gain weight!




  1. i would do the new inter-uteran device the one that can be removed if you want to have kids.

    pills risk blood clots, weight gain, and if you take an antibiotic for any reasons, they are not effective.  

    the patch also causes blood clots.  A diaifram (sp) is too complicated because you have to keep putting it in when you are in the mood.

    spermicides are the same way, and only last a short period of time.

  2. i didnt gain weight on the pill. personally i think cerazette is the best, its a simple one pill a day every day and it stops your periods, which is the main reason i chose it.

  3. Nuva Ring. In for three weeks, remove and thrown away, and a week off. Then start all over again with a new one. No pills to remember to take! I haven't gained any weight on it, but everyone reacts differently.

  4. If you have had children already,I strongly suggest the copper IUD (no hormones=no weight gain)

    If not then either Low hormone pills or the nuva ring...

    THE WORST you can go with is the Shot,please stay away from it,then the Mirena IUD (with hormones) well,I am kind of skeptical about this one,I've heard some women gain weight and it stops your period like the shot so,I don't rely on these.

    Good luck and whatever you choose make sure your doctor warns you about the possible side effects that way you won't be surprised if anything weird goes on later on.

  5. that so depends on your body and what you choose.  personally i never tried the "T" or the "CUP" i don't feel comfortable with something in there for that long...i've always got on the "PILL" it's  might be hard for you to remember to take it everyday though...there's the "PATCH" which leaves a dirty lining like band-aids, then there's the "SHOT' which i'm scared of..good luck.

  6. There is the BC pill: I have been on it for almost 3 years, hasn't made me gain weight.

    other options:

    nuvaring - if you have a sensitive v****a (lots of yeast infections, etc) then this might not be accepted by your body very easily.

    IUD - no hormones, but your doctor has to put it in, and it should be worn for a longer time.

    I would say it all depends where you are in your life. If you are younger (<25-ish) then I would suggest the pill or nuvaring. If you are older then maybe the IUD is better for you. Your doctor should know you, your history, the pros/cons of each option well enough to help you decide.

  7. I would go with the IUD that does not use hormones.  I have everything and they all have bad side effects.  I am going to try the IUD now. I have been trying different BC's for 10 years now.

    Good luck


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