
I'm getting really emotional and need help!?

by  |  earlier

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im really sad cause my mom is leaving for a week to do something for her job and my dad and my brother and fighting really bad and im scared what will happen..can you help me and tell me what i should do?




  1. Sorry your sad. If you are worried about it just talk to your dad and tell him that you are having issues with the arguing all the time. Just talk to them and see if you can help. Sometimes it's better to ask then to jump to conclusions.

  2. You could always pull your brother or father aside and tell them how you're feeling and that you don't want to see any one get hurt. Or if you don't want to get in the middle of it, just leave. Go take a walk somewhere or listen to music. I hate it when people fight too.

    Good luck and God Bless!

  3. Hey Faith!  It's Stephanie.  So you can tell your dad and brother how you feel and explain to them and make them feel guilty.  Then go for a walk and take all of your troubles aside.  Think of happy thoughts and the world around you.  Smell the roses, watch the clouds and lay in the grass to take it off your mind.

    Hope that helped Faith.  See you in buildabearville.

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