
I'm getting side stitches while running?

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I'm doing early morning running with my soccer team. And we run a good five miles each day. But about half way through I get real bad stitches in my side, I can't stop or slow down much because I have to finish the run. I know putting my arms over my head helps after running.

Is there any way to prevent side stitches before running?




  1. yahhh

    Eat food with high potassium...

    that's bananas. Hit up the bananas.

    oh and not just like.. one banana a week. one  aday, every other day kind of thing.

    Drink water. Your muscles cramp when there is not enough oxygen getting to them, you get that oxygen by being hydrated.


    dont eat too much before going either.

    good luck!

  2. 1) Make sure you're drinking LOTS of water.

    2) Breath deep...that can help.

    3) Whatever you do DONT lay down or bend over.

    4) It can be a sign of a sodium deficiency so put a lil more salt on your food or try salt tablets.

    5) If your doing a run that's longer than an hour and a half...drink a sports drink.

    Good Luck!

  3. Try adjusting your breathing. Slower, deeper breathing, etc.

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