
I'm getting the blame for an accident?

by Guest34443  |  earlier

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I had to stop for a deer and while I was waiting for deer I got rear ended.

When the guy rear ended me it pushed me to the right lane a little bit.

So even when nothing shows I cut him off even witnesses there trying to tell me I cut him off then slammed on my brakes and then he rear ended me.

Why would I cut him off and slam on my brakes if I saw the deer coming and he didn't.

Its hard to explain but thats how it happend. I had pictures showing I slide before he hit me and they still say otherwise.

I got pictures showing damage is center not on the right side at all.

Tell what I can do next they keep trying to put words in my mouth and just arguing with me?

The two whitnesses say its not my fault but they still want to do a percentage due to there cuting off and stoping fast excuse.

All this after he yelled at everyone being an *** trying to have me

arrested all sue you and get this and that from you he said.

Now I just have liability so its me aginst his insurence.




  1. Next time just go around the deer or hit it

  2. Sounds like you caused it to me. You did not have complete control over your vehicle if you were sliding to a stop.

  3. Depends on what state you were in. In the state of AL if you rear end someone it's your fault no excuses. Even if you were rear ended and pushed into the end of the car in front of you. You are held responsible for hitting that car. You don't need to make an excuse, you could stop for a piece of paper if you wanted. That still does not give anyone the right to hit you. It's his fault for speeding or not paying attention. Get a lawyer if your insurance isn't helping you. Then drop that insurance they're supposed to be the ones defending you!

    NEVER EVER SWERVE TO MISS ANYTHING IN THE ROAD!!!!! And if you had hit the deer it could have killed you. There have been cases of deer coming through the windshield and kicking the driver to death.

  4. I am really sorry this happened to you. If you had hit the deer, it would have totaled your car and been a worse accident. I hope everything works out. I would get a car accident lawyer as it is his fault too for running into your car.  

  5. Get your own attorney. he'll be able to help, or she, lol

    You have to have a very detailed story, one that's true and to the point. You stopped for a deer, had you not, you and other cars could have been severly injured.

    Keep all pics of the vehicle, before and after. Get the file that is at the police station so you can show it to the attorney.

    Fight the guy! you were in the right, not the wrong.  

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