
I'm goin CRAZZZYYY!!!?

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OK so heres the situaition-I think i'm preggers (like 80% positive), had unprotected s*x 16 days ago around ovulation. My symptoms include:breast tenderness, pelvic/lower back aches, headaches, morning sickness, dizziness, increased appetite, stomach cramps and gas. At first right after I had s*x for like a little over the week i had absolutely no cervical mucus, and i always have some, then finally it came back but in way bigger amounts than i've ever experienced. Then today I woke up with a wicked bad urinary tract infection, which ive never had before and heard were very common in pregnancy. I've already taken a couple home tests and they all came out negative (the last one i took was today), and my period isnt due til tomorrow or the next day! Could the HCG still not be built up in my system yet? What do you guys think? I'm very very intuned with my body and something is just not right.

Has anyone else experienced what I am with the cervical mucus?

How long did it take you to get a positive? how many days past ovulation? Did you get any negatives for the positive?

I'd really appreciate your input!!!!

Thanks a bunch!!!!




  1. Your body just may not have enough hCG. Even the tests that say you can find out 5 days sooner have MUCH lower percentages of pregnant women finding out that early compared to the day of or after the missed period. You just need to wait a bit and test again.

  2. Ok your HCG probably just isnt high enough yet i was pregnant last month i miscarried last month and i ended up in the hospital with a UTI and they put me on antibiotics for it your HCG hormon builds every 2 days so about a week from today try again and take another test by then it should be able to show on the test until then you have to wait or go to a doc and have your blood taken you will now for definate right away. :-)  

  3. Sounds like PMS to me, then again of course negative you haven't had your period.  AFTER your missed period take a test..  

  4. wait till 2 days time when ur peroids are due maybe give it 4 days if not take another test then if it says negative had no period and still feel the same go and see a doctor
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