
I'm going back to school and i'm freaking out a little! Help??!?!?!?!?

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So, i'm 13 and going into 8th grade and at the end of last year i got in a fight with my friend Katie because she was spreading rumors about our other friend Kelly. It was a huge fight and it happenned on the bus and when i was done people were giving me high 5's and stuff because i had gone all out defense for kelly. It was towards the end of the school year and so Katie and i made up but it wasn't the same and i could tell she was being fake. We haven't talked all summer and i'm freaking out about going back to school because i don't know if any of my friends are still my friends anymore! Oh, and after the fight katie apologized to kelly and now they're all bffs and katie is being fake to hr too! I don't know what's going to happen when i go back! What should i do? play it cool? suck up to her? get new friends? HELP!!!




  1. ok so just keep on being friends with her but act the same way she acts towards you. like if you hear that she spread a rumor about you then do the same but by still being her friend  

  2. tooooooooootally get new friends girl. She wanted it, she gets it. So don't make up with her. Just make new friends! If she wants to be your friend let her come to you, but NOTHING was your fault so it's not your problem so you don't need to apologize and ask HER she comes and asks you, but do what you feel. :D good luck with the eighth grade!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Dont care about

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