
I'm going clubbing at the weekend but haven't been in ages - how do I stay awake past 2am!

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I always get sleepy around 1am, does anyone have any tips on how to definitely make it to 4-5am? I don't drink alcohol but I think caffine might help - any ideas on food to eat before?




  1. as an occasional clubber, i'd say drink red bull. at least 3 cans before getting to the cluba and dancing all night. the loud music should defo keep you up all night too!

    have fun 2!

  2. Hi Nutty ,

    Prepare in advance. If you know you will need to have a late night in the near future, consider staying up later in the days leading up to it. This will help train your body to stay up later. Sleep in late, which will help you stay up later without staying up longer.

    Step2Acquire caffeine, whether it be in the form of tea, coffee, or something else. Drink your first cup 90 minutes before you usually go to bed. Take a second cup 30 minutes before your usual bedtime, and continue taking cups hourly or as needed.

    Step3Focus on your goal. You are trying to stay awake for a reason, so keep that reason in mind, and will yourself not to fall asleep.

    Step4Take extreme measures. If you find yourself falling asleep in spite of the above suggestions, consider causing yourself mild discomfort to keep yourself focused. You can accomplish this by eating spicy food and not drinking water, or by slapping yourself in the face.

    Can I join you? .

  3. Take an afternoon nap.  =)  and drink redbull.... but not too much b/c your heart will race like crazy!

  4. Redbull or any other energy drink should keep you awake.. I think the atmosphere will keep you lively - Just keep dancing don't sit down all night and give yourself chance to get sleepy.

    Have a good night!

  5. well unless you are a crack head you shouldnt be needing to stay up that late ... if you dont drink and dont do drugs then what is the point? if you do infact do drugs then i dont know cause im not a crack head ...  but i would just suggest taking a nap before you go out .. yes drink enery drinks like all night ... :) good luck and have fun!

  6. take a nap b4 u go out

  7. till 4-5 in the morning? don't be one of those people that stay at the club until bouncers kick them out. but hey, if thats your deal, then take a nap before hand, tis that simple.  

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