
I'm going crazy and my parents want to kick me out...?

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Ok so I'll be 15 in like, a few days and I'm at that point where I hate my parents and although I'm a good girl who doesn't curse or do drugs, etc... they treat me like a slave & give me no respect. I'm the oldest of 3 sisters and I have to do the majority of the dinner dishes every single night. Tonight I forgot to put the taco shells away and my mom yelled at me and I had to do my sisters job. I was so mad that I threw the taco shells at my sister, crumbled them over her head, and ran upstairs and slammed my door.

Now, my mom is taking off my door, she refuses to buy me new school clothes for high school so that I can look like a total loser (I go to a REALLY rich school, im talking multi millionaires) all because I threw 2 taco shells at my sister and then didnt apologize and I apparently have a bad attitude!! Plus, she wants to send me to a home for troubled children and call the police because I'm going crazy.

Am I bipolar, or is she ????????????????????????????????




  1. Sounds things just got out of control. You shouldnt have thrown the taco shells at your sister. Be the bigger person and apologize to your mom and your sister. Then try telling your mom how you felt and why you were so mad. Maybe she will give you back your door.

  2. Why do that at your sister when you could draw a moustache on your mum on her wedding day :D o.j

    You mum is mad!

    Go live with your grandparents!

    I would if I was you!

  3. You're 15, this isn't uncommon.

    You are also the oldest child, they are treating you like a child, and expecting you to act like an adult.

    If she called the police, what would she say?  "ARREST HER OFFICER......SHE CRUMBLED A TACO SHELL ON HER LITTLE SISTER!!!!

    Do you realize how ridiculous that would sound?

    In some ways, they are doing you a favor, get used to the idea that life involves work, and unless you happen to be among the pampered few, you will do the dishes for yourself every night, (or live like a pig).

    When both you and mom are calm, talk with her, try to negotiate a compromise both of you can live with.

    In 3 years you can move out and fend for yourself.

    Do you have a job yet?  As soon as you're 16, get one, buy your own clothes.

    I know it's tough, but life is tough, too.



  4. try talking to a counselor

    and trust me it may help

  5. wow. this is like the same situation im in.

    your mom is the crazy one. what does she expect your a 15 year old girl. (as so am i) its normal for you to be "bad" everone once in a while.

    dayumnnnn girl. i feeel bad for you. you are not a troubled child AT ALL! this is insane. oh who gives a **** you did that to your sister. you are suppose to fight. that is normal!

  6. Do you see no wrong doing to what you did to your sister? You threw taco shells at her and you didn't apologize? Don't you see the wrong doing in this? She probably doesn't really mean that she wants you to go move into a group home she is just frustrated with you and might have said something she didn't mean. You have to do a lot worse things then that to move into a group home.

  7. d**n man i think u shud move outa there

  8. You don't sound bipoloar to me.  You sound like a typical 15 year old who's going through some tough teen years.  That's a rough age to be.  You're not quite adult but not a child either.  You want more freedom but you're still dependent on your parents.  Your mom may have overreacted by yelling and you definitely overreacted by what you did to your sister.  Even if you don't think she deserves it, the adult thing to do would be to tell her you're sorry.  I know it's hard to keep your emotions in check when all you want to do is scream your lungs out.  You just have to work on maintaining a sense of calmness no matter the circumstances.  Then your mom will see you as more mature and maybe treat you a little differently.  Good luck.

  9. First off your mom can't put you out because of your age, unless you violate the law to the point where they can take you off to jail. It would appear that there is a lot of tension in your household and maybe it could me some of your fault which I'm not judging you,The best  advise I can give you is for everybody to sit down calmly with each other and have a meeting of the minds to try and fix this situation before things get worse. Remember when people don't talk and yell at each other there is no dialog, therefore nothing gets accomplished.

  10. She's overreacting in a major way. My parents don't act that way and I've done worse. But it could be that since you're the oldest and your probably the first they've had to experience a raging teen with they don't know exactly what to do. But taking your door off...that's creepy. How are you supposed to get dressed? And you're not bi-polar it just seems as though your parents are way too strict. If she calls the police, what are they going to do? They have way better things to do than worry about some teen slamming doors and throwing taco shells. You didn't need to do what you did but neither did your parents. Maybe you could talk to them about it and have them see the other side.  

  11. well you did take it out on your sister and she didnt do anything to you!....yahh ,your parents are over reacting,taking off your door tottaly SUCKS! they just say stuff like taking you somwhere for troubled kids just so you stop(they arent really going to take you) just wait a couple of more years then move out! i dont think either of you are,what you did to your sister was funny though

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