
I'm going fishing at 4 AM and forgot to pick up night crawlers before the bait shop closed tonight?

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What common household substance can I use for bass bait?




  1. they always used balled up bread on The Little House on the Prairie.

  2. NOTHING! so bring a shovel and start digging!

  3. We used to use the garden hose. Spray water under a big tree. This floods the worms tunnels and they come to the surface to breath. Use your flashlight  to find them. You can get dozens this way.

  4. Wal Mart is open 24 hours... they have crawlers in the sporting good section. Also, some marina's have worm dispensers (sort of like a soda machine, but for worms) outside the building.

  5. I've seen several nite-crawler vending machines. they are always open., or take a shovel. Plenty in the dirt.

  6. Corn always works. Try lunch meat too if you have some. I like to use hot dogs, but most meats work. Good luck. Tell me how it goes.

  7. Just wanted to say how interesting "Jade Orchids" answer was. Very informative "Jade"!

  8. LOL, I hear that Bacon Bit Brownies work great!


  9. *Shakes her head*

    So many smartie answers, so little time! LOL

    Here's some options that you might consider

    1. Try catching grasshoppers or other bugs and keep them in a pop bottle with a few holes. Run the hook under the "chest plate" of the hoppers to get the best action out of them.

    2. It sounds mean but the little frogs you see hopping around lakes and streams are some of the best bait in the world for this time of the year if you are willing to work to catch them. Just hook them through the lower jaw and up through the nose. Use only a number 12 hook because the others are too heavy and will cause the frog to sink and drown. Just lightly toss him out and let him swim back to shore...You can also catch catfish too with the same bait once they die and sink. (I don't want any letters saying I'm cruel! I love frogs but I'm also a country girl too, m-kay?)

    3. You can also use partially cooked pastas. (Not fully! The noodles must be somewhat stiff) I like to use wide egg noodles... I half cook some before I leave the house and wind them on the hook and leave a "tail" hanging down. They don't last long but it works in an emergency. (I don't recomend this for bobber fishing...Not enough action to interest the fish.)

    4. Got some beer or pop tabs? You can turn them backwards and pop them off the can (so as they will come off whole) and thread the hook through the small hole and then bend. If you have a swivel on your leader you've just made a quick spinner.

    5. For a lure that lasts for quite a while take a shoe string and cut an inch and a half section out of it. (assuming you are using a number 8 hook) thread the lace on the hook all the way up to the eye and then push the barb and 1/8 inch of the tip of the hook out of the side of the lace (so a tail hangs down). Fray the end of the lace until up almost to the hook. With that you have a sturdy lure that will last you quite a while and will take a beating. Add a pop tab (in any way you want) to the hook first before you thread the lace (or you could use rope) and you have a rooster tail!

    6. You can also use an oval cut from an aluminum can (about 1 inch long and 1/2 wide) and poke a hole through the top and thread it to the eye. Poke the point though the other end and run the barb through and turn the oval toward the back so it bows out and conforms with the hook. The bright flashy colors and thrashing action get alot of attention.

    These are just a few things but you can think of more. Just as long as it's bright and flashy and the fish are hungry they'll bite.

    Another tip I figured out...If you ever loose your stringer and don't want to quite fishing take your shoe laces out, tie them together, and run the tip through the mouth and gill and tie it back on itself in a loose knot that won't tighten on itself. I make what I call a loop knot so that it's easy to put the fish on. You'd be suprised how long shoe strings are too! Together, both strings will be at least 6 ft. Just an idea...

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