
I'm going for an interview for a one-to-one in a playgroup, can you tell me what questions to expect?

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And if possible, examples of answers to give.

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  1. they will probably ask things like "have you ever been absailing?" and " do you know how to change a back wheel and set the tapets on a landrover?" (what do you think?)

  2. playgroups have moved on over the years and are well managed and take their role very serious with full training programmes for all staff.

    Equal Opportunity will be important so brush up on your equal opps many are integrated playgroups with able bodied and not able bodied children mixing together as it should be. The play equipment will be reflective of our multicultural society we live in so your equal opps views will be important.

    Have a look at The Children Act you will find it on line and that outlines issues I have mentioned plus many more.

    Your passion and love for working with children should come across no matter what they ask if it is something you have always wanted to do.

    Are you trained? If not then show enthusiasm for wanting and more important needing training after all you do have to know what you are doing when working with children not just for your benefit but also for the children so you can help encourage all their development Social, emotional physical etc

  3. A good thing to say about behaviour tactics is to mention that you use positive reinforcement at all times i.e. when a child does something make sure its noticed and praised, i.e.tell them you use reward strategies  i.e. if you do this you will have a treat , that kind of thing. say you encourage confidence which helps raise their self esteem and you work towards the child becoming independant learning lifes skills .x good luck

    ps think of situations that you have been in and how you dealt with them.. tell them about this if they ask about you. use your family and your experiences as a guide

  4. They well ask you your experience with kids.

    also how you handle the kids when they are out of control.

    they will also ask personal questions about you.

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