
I'm going in camping, this time in a yurt what do I need to bring?

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I've been camping two weekends ago, we used tents and the whole nine, this time we got a yurt. It's your basic yurt no electricity, it has a skylight, we have all the lanturns and stuff, but do you think it's full of bee's and bugs? Should we bring sheets cleaning supplies to clean the place? Please any suggestions would be helpful. thank you




  1. If you are worried about bugs, I found these traps for flying bugs in the garden department at wal-mart. you probably would want you own sheets to cover the cot or whatever you are sleeping on. as for the cleaning supplies,  the yurt should be clean but you may want to bring a bottle of all purpose cleaner to clean it up or keep it clean while you are there.

    Have Fun!

  2. I stayed in a yurt before and it was very need for cleaning supplies...this was on the Oregon coast.  The one I stayed in DID have had a small heater and a light.  It should have a door, so it shouldn't be full of any bugs or anything.  The best way to know the condition would be to call the state park where you are going to be staying.  Have fun.

  3. Wet wipes are great to take camping for any reason.  Bring your own sleeping bag/sheets.  You will get dirty camping anywhere but that's part of the fun of it, so don't worry about it and just treat yourself to a nice long shower when you get back home.  Have a super time!

  4. Yurts can get hot, I know that from experience, so hopefully it won't be too hot. It won't hurt to bring a little lysol in case it is nasty inside. A sleeping bag should be fine, but if you do not have one, then sheets and a blanket would be great too. Don't forget a pillow.

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